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The Romantics thought that people could turn to nature for comfort

The Romantics thought that people could turn to nature for comfort The Romantics thought that people could turn to nature for comfort. They also identified another important role for nature in people’s lives—that of teacher. Now that you have read poems by five Romantic poets, consider what nature teaches in their poetry. Choose two poems, … Read more

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History Moving Toward Change

History Moving Toward Change History Moving Toward Change Think about the women who grew up in the 1960s. What do you think they are telling their granddaughters about the changes they experienced? Use the textbook and the information that you discovered on the websites to review the events of the second wave of the women’s … Read more

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Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle Part 1: We see in “Rip Van Winkle” themes of generational change, continuity, preservation, and tradition. Written nearly half a century after the American Revolution, in “Rip Van Winkle” Irving is making a statement about the Revolution. What is it Washington Irving is trying to convey to the reader through his story?  Do … Read more

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American History question Kent State Killings

American History question Kent State Killings Brief summary about the Kent State killings (about 125-150 words) http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=42350&loid=93180   ……………Answer Preview……….. On Monday may 4, 1970 massacre occurred at Kent state university where four students were killed. It involved shooting of college students that were unarmed by the guards from Ohio. The guardsmen fired sixty-seven rounds … Read more