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Compare the scores for the films In Cold Blood and The Magnificent Seven.

Compare the scores for the films In Cold Blood and The Magnificent Seven. Instructions Compare the scores for the films In Cold Blood and The Magnificent Seven. Specifically, consider how these scores represent disparate character groups within each film. Begin by describing these character groups in as much detail as the portions of the films we saw allow. Then illustrate the … Read more

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The background score for the film Batman (1989) often employs music that accents action oriented moments

The background score for the film Batman (1989) often employs music that accents action oriented moments The background score for the film Batman (1989) often employs music that accents action oriented moments. While watching the following clip from that film, take note of three examples of this tactic and write a one-page paper about it. Begin with a brief … Read more

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Write about Your reaction to the film

Write about Your reaction to the film Write about Your reaction to the film, with one short paragraph. https://youtu.be/jZJnCilnDX8 Example is attached example_ Answer preview to write about Your reaction to the film APA 226 Words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below

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