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Analysis of Pleasantville based on the ideas Freud presents

Analysis of Pleasantville based on the ideas Freud presents Essay #1: A Freudian Analysis of Pleasantville The Assignment: Create an essay of no less than five pages and no more than seven pages in length that is analysis of Pleasantville based on the ideas Freud presents in his essay and the ones I present in my … Read more

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List and discuss 3-5 takeaways you have from this podcast episode

List and discuss 3-5 takeaways you have from this podcast episode Listen to the Mere Rhetoric Podcast “Audience Invoked, Audience Addressed (https://mererhetoric.libsyn.com/audience-invoked-audience-addressed-new-and-improved),” and respond to the following prompt: First, list and discuss 3-5 takeaways you have from this podcast episode. Then, consider how this episode has you (re)thinking the audience of your proposal. Answer preview to list and … Read more

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Analysis based on the tv show thirteen reasons why  

Analysis based on the tv show thirteen reasons why Analysis based on the tv show thirteen reasons why For this assignment you will have an opportunity to read a novel, or watch a TV show or movie that portrays an individual with a disability, and through the lens of this class, review how that person, … Read more

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Write a 1500 word essay utilizing the Movie Do The Right Thing

Write a 1500 word essay utilizing the Movie Do The Right Thing Spike Lee Essay Write a 1500 word (~6-8pgs) essay utilizing the Movie DO THE RIGHT THING. Your essay should make an argument analyzing the popular text through the conceptual and historical terms provided by the critical texts from class. The essay must include … Read more

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