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A prestigious university has recently implemented a consolidation strategy that will require it to centralize their student record

A prestigious university has recently implemented a consolidation strategy that will require it to centralize their student record A prestigious university has recently implemented a consolidation strategy that will require it to centralize their student records. In order to move forward, the local university will need to develop a data model that will retain student … Read more

Home » Computer Science » Page 21

Access control

Access control Physical security is sometimes overlooked when discussing access controls in a technology world. However, any business which has its own servers, networking closets, data centers, or even facilities in general, must have some form of physical access controls in place. For example. a business and their data would not be very secure if … Read more

Home » Computer Science » Page 21

Basic computer skills

Basic computer skill Log into the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library, IEEE database (https://saintleo.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?) and find an article which mentions excellence but the overall topic may be any topic that you are interested in. Talk about the article you have chosen and provide the APA citation for the article [this article must be unique and not used … Read more

Home » Computer Science » Page 21

Network security policy

Network security policy As the new network administrator, one of your first responsibilities is to draft a network security policy plan that employees must sign and follow when using the company’s network. Research and discuss the items that you would place in such a plan, and justify your reasoning for the items that you have … Read more

Home » Computer Science » Page 21

Read at least three (3) academically reviewed articles on Management Information Systems and complete the following activities

Read at least three (3) academically reviewed articles on Management Information Systems and complete the following activities Read at least three (3) academically reviewed articles on Management Information Systems and complete the following activities: in 300 words: 1.     Summarize all three (3) articles. Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste 2.     Discuss at least 3 different concepts presented in the … Read more

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