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Discuss the basic features associated with case management

Discuss the basic features associated with case management

Case management, as defined by Woodside and McClam (2019), involves “the activities of planning and coordinating, and, in some cases, delivering treatment strategies” (p. 279) and is an important service delivery strategy. After reading the required chapters from the Woodside and McClam text, the articles Case Management at the Intersection of Social Work and Health Care (Links to an external site.)

Case Management at the Intersection of Social Work and Health Care
Great Valley Publishing Company, Inc.

National newsmagazine committed to enhancing the entire social work profession by exploring its difficult issues…

and Strengths-Based Case Management: Individuals’ Perspectives on Strengths and the Case Manager Relationship, and watching the video Case Management in Health Care, discuss the basic features associated with case management and explain the case manager’s role. Then, reflecting on the case management section from Chapter 1 of the course text, discuss the three factors that created the need for case management.

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Discuss the basic features associated with case management


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