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You have engaged in the Career Exploration process throughout this course.

You have engaged in the Career Exploration process throughout this course.

Activity 6.1: My Career Vision Statement (page 167 of the text Links to an external site.)

You have engaged in the Career Exploration process throughout this course. Back in Unit 2, you engaged in different self-exploration activities and completed different career assessments. You spent time exploring your interests, values, skills, personality preferences, interests, and character strengths and you created a mission statement at the start of the semester. Now it is time to put everything together and craft your career vision statement.
Please use a college Baseball coach I plan on being with a family

What’s your vision for your future?

Where do you see yourself in 10, 15, 20, plus years?

What career path do you want to pursue?

What kind of work will be meaningful to you?

What work environments will energize you?

What level of responsibility will you carry out?

Answer preview to You have engaged in the Career Exploration process throughout this course.

You have engaged in the Career Exploration process throughout this course


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