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Capital projects for Healthcare organizations are inherently risky.

Capital projects for Healthcare organizations are inherently risky.

Week 8 Discussion Question (Go with the 1st option)

Capital Budgeting

Capital projects for Healthcare organizations are inherently risky. In addition to the significant investment at stake, organizations also put their reputations on the line when they take on major, multi-year, capital-intensive projects.

How do those responsible for developing and managing capital budgets ensure that they are adequately preparing for as many uncertainties as possible, and that the budget will be appropriate to support the strategic initiatives of the organization? As part of your response, share an example of either:

Your experience in helping to develop a capital budget, explaining the scope of the project, the budgeting process and the outcome.


The story of a capital-intensive project undertaken by a Healthcare provider reported in the Wall Street Journal or other reputable Healthcare news source that went significantly over budget or did not generate the promised returns after completion. What caused the budget to miss the mark? What could have been done differently to change the outcome of the project.


Answer preview to capital projects for Healthcare organizations are inherently risky.

Capital projects for Healthcare organizations are inherently risky.


615 words

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