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The candidate self-reflection assignment

The candidate self-reflection assignment

The candidate self-reflection assignment is an opportunity for you as an emerging instructional leader to reflect upon, articulate, and share your beliefs, values, and philosophical orientation. The assignment should be a narrative that is approximately 3-5 pages in length and include the following components:

  1. Your educational platform
  2. Your supervisory platform
  3. Your educational philosophy

4.the way in which your cultural orientation impacts your platforms

Section 1: Your educational platform

  • Before you begin this section, read the section “beliefs about education” in chapter 5 of your textbook (pages 84-85). This will help you to understand the definition of an educational platform and provide a model for describing your own.
  • The next section provides questions to use as prompts as you craft your educational platform. While you are not required to answer all of these questions, they will be helpful in keeping you focused and on- track.


  • What should be the purpose of education?
  • What should be the content of the school curriculum?
  • Who should control the learning environment?
  • What should be the relationship of teacher and students?
  • Under what conditions is student learning most successful?
  • What motivates students to do their best in school?
  • what is your definition of effective teaching?
  • what personal characteristics are possessed by a successful teacher?
  • how should the teacher assess student learning?
  • what is your definition of a good school?

Section 2: Your supervisory platform

In this section, you will reflect upon your role, purpose, and behaviors as an instructional leader. You will describe the relationship between yourself as a leader and the teachers/slps whom you will supervise. The questions on the next section are to be used as prompts as you craft your supervisory platform. While you are not required to answer all of these questions, they will be helpful in keeping you focused and on-track.

 section 3: your educational philosophy

in section #3 of your self-reflection, you will describe your educational philosophy. before you begin this section, read the section entitled, “supervisory platform as related to educational philosophy” in chapter 5 (pages 87-91). then take the quiz entitled, “educational philosophy-q sort” in appendix a of your textbook. the reading and quiz will help you to understand the meaning of educational philosophy and the philosophy with which you most identify as a leader. the textbook presents a limited number of philosophies; you are welcome to research other philosophies outside of those presented in the textbook. if you do so, do not forget to cite and detail your references.

Section 4

In the 4th section of your candidate self- reflection, reflect upon and describe your cultural background. Discuss the influence of your background on your leadership, beliefs about education, and the ways in which you will interact with those whom you are leading. The questions are to be used as prompts as you craft your cultural impact statement. While you are not required to answer all of these questions, they will be helpful in keeping you focused and on-track.




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Section 1: Your educational platform

The purpose of education is to promote student growth. Students attend class because they need to learn something and this is what the teacher helps to convey. By proving a social platform an atmosphere for learning and sharing of ideas is created and this greatly helps in the passing of knowledge form the teacher to the student. The context of the school curriculum should be appropriate topics that can help nurture the learners and provide the much anticipated growth. School curriculums are designed to maximize on the knowledge…


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