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Describe 3 campaign-relevant items you could give to target audience members

Describe 3 campaign-relevant items you could give to target audience members

  1. Campaign giveaways(28 points)

In a numbered list below, describe 3 campaign-relevant items you could give to target audience members, such as freebies, prizes, informative handouts, door hangers, fact sheets, brochures, etc. – items you could physically distribute to different audiencesegments through events, tables/booths, workshops, goody bags, etc. These should be the best or most creative ideas you’ve developed so far. Then underneath each item/description in your list, provide the following 7 bullet points.

  1. Explainhow you would distribute it (at least two different specific ways or situations).
  • List all audience segments that mightget this item through the distribution strategies you just described — and then explain which segment(s) would be most likely to usethe item (and why).
  • Write the specificheading or sloganyou would use on the item and describe the image(s)or how it will look (layout, colors, etc.). If you include a link, hashtag, contact info, and/or list a partner organization, include that info, too.
  • Provide a “ballpark” estimate of how many of thisitem youwould distribute and how much the item would cost (look up similar items online for pricing). Example:2,000 game-day stickers for $120, 1,000 photocopied fact sheets for $50, 500 full-color brochures for $500, 400 bottles of water labeled with campaign stickers for $100, 350 campaign buttons for $150, 200 condoms labeled with campaign stickers for $75, 50 campaign t-shirts for $250, etc.
  • Write a detailed sentence that states how the item wouldpromote your campaign outcomes such as behavior change, awareness, engagement, advice compliance, etc. In this statement, identify the outcome(s) and audience(s). For example:

Our STD prevention campaign will distribute at least 2,000 copies of a fact sheet offering STD prevention advice (item) shared at campus tabling events and in orientation goodie bags (distribution channels), to promote greater awareness of personal STD risk (knowledge), reduce fear and stigma surrounding STDs (attitude change), overcome religious barriers to safe behavior (belief change), and promoteconsistent condom use (behavior change) among UM freshmenand transfer students(audience segments).”

  • Providetwo research questionsyou could use to evaluate the effectiveness of this item. Each question should focus on a different audience segment. (Example:What prompted members of Greek organizations to talk with each other about the risks of HPV, after seeing our vaccination poster in their sorority or fraternity houses?)
  • Engagement. Describe at least one specific, doable thing you want your audience segments to do after they receive this item. For example: share the info with friends, use or share the item you gave them, get vaccinated, obtain free condoms at the health center, reach out to a friend about sad thoughts, share a campaign meme on Instagram, etc.

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Describe 3 campaign-relevant items you could give to target audience members


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