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Emphasize the community building processes of academic work.

Emphasize the community building processes of academic work.

Peer Review

This discussion forms your written assignment for Module 5. We will carry it out in a discussion the emphasize the community building processes of academic work. You will read, discuss, and evaluate the rough drafts of your classmates’ research papers. In doing so, you also will share your projects and exchange ideas, while receiving comments to incorporate into the final version of the papers that you’ll submit in Module 6.

Before you begin your peer review activities in this module, you might also check out these resources:

Giving Feedback for Peer Review
Peer Review: Looking at Texts from a Reader’s Perspective
Shackleford, Lynne. Guidelines for Peer Review

Here’s what to do:

Review Himanee Gupta’s lecture, “What is Peer Review?” (attached)
Using the web links (above listed) provided in Professor Gupta’s lecture, prepare a brief review (250-500 words) of the essay. In your review, make sure to discuss:
o the main thesis and argument of the essay;

o the essay’s key strengths;

o ways that the author might improve the essay;

o how evidence the author brings into the essay supports its key points; and

o additional sources the author might consult in preparation of the final draft.

Please post your review as a response to the complete your assessment of your classmate’s work no later than the end of Module 5 so that you and your classmates all have plenty of time to take advantage of the feedback given before the final essays are due.

Evaluation Criteria

Please support your discussion with material drawn from the peer review resources in this module and be sure to formulate your comments in your own words. For assistance in completing this discussion utilize the resources available to you in the Research Assignment Guidelines page of the Course Information documents.

Paper Format: Chicago

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Emphasize the community building processes of academic work


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