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Business planning

Business planning

Conduct research on the Internet to locate a successful entrepreneur, such
> as J. C. Penney. Prepare a one-page report that addresses the following:
>    – Identify the entrepreneur and the product and/or service he/she
>    developed.
>    – What was the driving force to becoming successful?
> No copying





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At an estimated $29.5 billion, Mr. Larry Page is ranked number 19 by Forbes (2015) in terms of the world’s wealthiest people. He is the co-founder of today’s most prevalent search engines, Google, whereby he partnered with Sergey Brin. He was born on the 26th of March, 1973, and is currently aged 42 (Page, 2015). Born of a pioneer computer scientist father and a mother who taught computer programming, he took up the passion and went on to pursue computer engineering in the prestigious Stanford University. In the year 2013, the company……………..


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