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Business Law II Life Skills

Business Law II Life Skills
Life Skills Assignment #2
This is your second Life Skills Assignment. In order to receive credit for this assignment you must use the format provided below in order to brief (summarize) two of the cases that you found to be on point in this case in your Life Skills Assignment #1.
Format to be used for Briefs (You must divide your briefs into these sections):
1. Case title & citation
2. Issue (a combination of the key facts and the legal question the court is being asked to decide in the case)
3. Rule (the law that court identifies as applicable to the case)
4. Application (how does the court apply the law to the facts and issue in the case)
5. Conclusion (a brief statement of the case outcome)
This is what I need: Life Skills Assignment #2 This is your second Life Skills Assignment. In order to receive credit for this assignment you must use the format provided below in order to brief (summarize) two of the cases that you found to be on point in this case in your Life Skills Assignment #1. Format to be used for Briefs (You must divide your briefs into these sections): 1. Case title & citation 2. Issue (a combination of the key facts and the legal question the court is being asked to decide in the case) 3. Rule (the law that court identifies as applicable to the case) 4. Application (how does the court apply the law to the facts and issue in the case) 5. Conclusion (a brief statement of the case outcome)
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This case goes back to reconsider the fundamental rights of the true owner of negotiable instruments which has been erroneously or intentionally collected and paid through forgery. There have been numerous jurisdictions regarding this occurrence, but the Abraham Cooper case stands out from the…..
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