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Should Granny do to help ensure that in the future occurrences of these types of disputes are minimized

should Granny do to help ensure that in the future occurrences of these types of disputes are minimized

Granola “Granny” Grimes is a resident of the town of Sibley and the 82-year-old proprietor of Club Sibley, a “go-go” nightclub establishment. Although Granny is very efficient in the way that she operates the financial aspect of the company, her attitude toward human resources and equal employment opportunity is apathetic. She feels that complaining employees are whiners and that they should just “suck it up” instead of complaining. Granny has about 18 employees and feels that training on equal employment opportunity issues is a waste of money and that you should “have fun and live.” On many occasions employees have complained about insulting racial remarks, sexual jokes, and the refusal of management to permit employees to take time off for religious holidays.

Ernie Muller, 32 years of age, is the full-time bookkeeper. When Granny hired Ernie he asked her out for a date. Granny initially refused Ernie’s advances but eventually succumbed and the two had a very tumultuous but mutually agreed upon affair. Unfortunately, when Granny hired the 30-year-old Myron Marchond as a new bouncer for the club, she fell in love and dropped Ernie. Granny, playing it cool, was very casual about asking Myron out. He initially refused but eventually agreed and 6 months later asked Granny to marry him. The two have announced their wedding plans. Unfortunately, none of this has rested well with a very jealous Ernie who has begun leaving sexually explicit anonymous notes in Myron’s locker threatening to assault him sexually when leaving work one night among other things. Myron has been so upset by the notes that he has called in sick on a couple of occasions due to stress. He’s explained to Granny what’s been happening and suspects that she could figure out the identity of the culprit. Her response was that “This wouldn’t bother a “real” man—you need to suck it up and stop being a crybaby.” Myron has also received threatening emails on his company email account which he promptly forwarded to Granny with requests for assistance. His requests were refused. Myron eventually files a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Granny is so enraged when she receives a copy of the complaint that she calls Myron a “big baby”, breaks off their engagement, and cuts Myron’s work hours claiming that they don’t need crybabies protecting their patrons. Myron amends his complaint as a result of these actions and is then subsequently fired in response.

Granny is now a bit concerned about the complaint and comes to you, her attorney, for advice.

Answer the following based on federal law:

(1) If Granny is sued, what do you anticipate to be the legal basis(es) of the suit?

(2) What do you feel are her chances of winning based on the above facts? What would you recommend that she do to resolve the dispute?

(3) What, very specifically, should Granny do to help ensure that in the future occurrences of these types of disputes are minimized?

Remember, your answers should be based on the facts and rules of law. You should also take into consideration what actions would be in the short and long-term interests of the business.

you have to use atleast two to three law related references to support your facts accordingly. Show clearly which question you are answering in your essay. Ensure quality work with no grammar mistakes and no plagiarism.

this will be a total of half a page



………………………..Answer preview…………………………..

She will be sued on the basis of being an abusive employer and for violating federal laws of working hours. She might also be faced with charges of violating the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws of the US. She also faces the risk of failing to act upon her employee’s abusive practices such as sexual harassment even after being notified severally…………………………………


310 words

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