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There are seven forms of business: sole proprietorship

There are seven forms of business: sole proprietorship

There are seven forms of business: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company (including the single member LLC), S Corporation, Franchise, and Corporation.

Research and provide three advantages and three disadvantages for each business form.

Provide a 100 word summary in which you provide an example business that you would start for each form. What is legally necessary to file in order to form that business? Discuss at least one of the advantages and one of the disadvantages of that form. Include a reference for each summary. This means for each section it will be 150 words, (100 for the summary and 50 for the advantages and disadvantages section) this means each section is a half page each

Sole Proprietorship





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There are seven forms of business: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability Company (including the single member LLC), S Corporation, Franchise, and Corporation.Research and provide three advantages and three disadvantages for each business form.Provide a 100 word summary in which you provide an example business that you would start for each form. What is legally necessary to file in order to form that business…………………………………….


1379 words

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