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Writing Assignment #1 – Business Communication Evaluation–Fall 2016

Writing Assignment #1 – Business Communication Evaluation–Fall 2016

Writing Assignment #1 – Business Communication Evaluation–Fall 2016

The purpose of this assignment is to assess your business communication & research skills.


Video game producer and designer Take Two Interactive (TTWO-NASDAQ), is reviewing how it does business in the current volatile market.  You are a junior analyst for the company, tasked with contributing a portion of the competitive analysis. You have been asked to draft a comparative financial analysis that creates a basic benchmark your company’s performance. This task is an opportunity for you to showcase your competency in research, analysis, writing, and public speaking.

You need to determineTTWO’s position in the market by conducting a basic comparative analysis of TTWOversus a competing company within the industry.  You must submit a memo to the company CEO and make an oral presentation explaining the company’s financial strength and its strength compared to the selected competitor at a company strategy meeting. You need to compare fivekey indices of financial strength:


Stock price – 1 year, 6 month, Intra-day (Use on or about August 29, 2016 as the present date)

Sales/Revenue (over the last three full-years)

P/E Ratio

Net Income (over the last three full-years)



In addition, for each metric analyzed, explain the reason for the company’s performance and provide support for your reasoning.


To begin, you will need to research TTWO’s financial statements. You can find this information on the company website, company 10K Report or on a number of Cook library databases, e.g. Standard & Poors NetAdvantage,LexisNexis Academic (Business > Company Dossier) or Yahoo Finance.


Next, you will need to research one of TTWO’s competitors across the same five indices and compare its performance with  the competitor.

Part I – Written Evaluation

You will need to draft a report memorandum that succinctly compares the financial strength of both companies.
Your report should answer several key questions:

What was your rationale for selecting the competitor to serve as a measure for the analysis?

What did you learn from the comparison of these companies?

What is the significance of each index to your comparison?


This will require you to use some of the basic principles of business writing:

Proper memorandum format

Proper addressee (research the name of the CEO)

Proper use of sources using APA format

Include an introductory statement that foreshadows or “sells” the main idea

Use deductive structure, using strong topic sentences and supporting data

Condense information using tables, charts, graphs and bulleted points when appropriate

Use well developed headings

Use chunked paragraphs



When you present your information, I will be evaluating your ability to write clearly and succinctly. In other words, get to the point. What is the most important information? I should be able to scan your document and pick out key information quickly and efficiently. If I cannot skim the document in under two minutes, then you did not do your job. Additionally, this document must contain clean and well-proofread content (error-free prose). Careless and errant errors in your LOCs (grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word choice) will result in a deduction in your grade.


Part II – Presentation Evaluation

The second part of this evaluation focuses on your public speaking ability. As a potential consultant to the CEO, you are required to give a 90-second presentation on your comparative analysis. You must provide 2-3 PowerPoint slides as a visual aide. You must identify the wants and needs of your audience, so for this evaluation you will be presenting to the CEO of Take Two Interactive Inc.  (ably played by your instructor). As such, I strongly recommend that you research your audience before presenting. Additionally, professionalism will play a big part in your role, so you need to think about what it means to be professional.


For your presentation you will be evaluated by a number of criteria:


Organization of information

Citation of relevant sources

Conciseness of information

Relationship between content and visual aides

General public speaking skills


………………………………….Answer preview……………………………..

Our company, TTWOs has been in operation for more than ten years and over the period, there has been some issues brought about by our competitors. This has been a challenge that has seen our net income reduce by some percentage. There has also been a general decrease of revenue in the company but it is not in a way that can make the company be crippled bas at now. Meaning it can be mended back to how it used to be. All these are because our competitors have changed the way of carrying out their activities. The competitors tend to capture more customers who give them projects hence making more revenue………………


717 words

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