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Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words.

Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words.

Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words.

Find a current event in the past 1-2 years in which a business either went above & beyond to demonstrate CSR, OR sorely failed to demonstrate CSR. Provide the name of the company & the good or bad deed. Do your findings change the way you will support the company in the future?

Respond to at least one of your classmates. How do you think the chosen company your classmate selected acted responsibly or how could it improve its CSR

Below is peers discussion in which, I’ll have to provide a response too.

Joanna Brown

RE: Week 2 Discussion

I Love Ice Cream! Ben & Jerry’s (B&J) are a little expensive but the company believes in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Therefore, I do not have a problem paying a little more for my favorite dessert.

All the way back in 1989 B&J opposes the Bovine Growth Hormone use in cows. B&J was opposed to the adverse economic impact on family farming. B & J supports the family farm organization and Farm Aid. They have created the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation. This encourages employees to give back to their community and offers grants for social justice programs.

Ben & Jerry’s donates to several other socially responsible causes:

1% for peace – a goal to redirect 1% of the national defense budget to peace activities and projects, (Peace Pop)

No (rBGH) artificial growth hormones in our ice cream

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream pints have a logo that says “Support Farm Aid” Farm Aid is a non profit organization to keep family farmer on their land

Take a stand for children is a non profit, children’s Defense Fund, over 70,000 postcards are sent to Congress concerning kids and other national issues.

(Rock the Vote) was an effort to drive voter turnout among young people. Free Cone Day to register over 11,000 voters. This was the biggest one-day grassroots registration in Rock the Vote’s history

Drilling is not the Answer proposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a 900 pound Baked Alaska with Fossil ice cream was served on the US Capital lawn with the help of Greenpeace and the Alaska Wilderness League

Cool Your Jets – an initiative to offset carbon emissions from employees, travel with help from MyClimate and NativeEnergy. They purchase offsets for their airplane travel

“Truth or Clone-sequences” demonstration. This demonstration was initiated because the US Food & Drug Administration declared that it believed meat and milk from cloned animals was safe to eat!

Ben & Jerry’s supported Occupy Wall Street serving up ice cream and supporting the rally against increasing economic inequality in the US i.e high unemployment, mortgage fraud, extensive corporate influence in American politics.

Finally, the Ben and Jerry campaign to label food products made with GMO ingredients. They demanded transparency regarding what is in our food supply

Ben & Jerry also gave a website that educates on ” From Slavery to Mass Incarceration”. This is helpful with what is going on in the world today.


I will always eat Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream and I definitely Love their stance onb Corporate Social Responsibility!

Answer preview to define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words.

Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words.


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