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After playing this game I have a whole new perspective on budgeting money and how people may be living day to day

After playing this game I have a whole new perspective on budgeting money and how people may be living day to day

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After playing this game I have a whole new perspective on budgeting money and how people may be living day to day. It is very challenging to budget money and have a work-life balance.
The first time playing this game I was able to make it to day 13 without any regard to money. I felt satisfied with the choices I made since money was not an issue. I was able to do the things I wanted and be happy with my choices. However, I was also dissatisfied towards the end because I was unable to stay afloat to make it to the full 30 days.
When I played the game a second time, I was able to make it the whole 30 days. At first, I felt more confident about being able to make it 30 days. However, at the same time, I also felt sad and defeated. As I was playing, the choices I had to make were not choices that I ideally wanted. I had to sacrifice on certain things and miss family outings. Unfortunately, I was unable to do things that made me happy.
For example, I was unable to afford a gym membership. This is important to me because it helps with my mental and physical health. Along with that, I had to do things I knew were not ideal, but had to make those sacrifices to stay afloat for the full 30 days. I had to pick and choose what was necessary to stay alive even if that meant getting in some financial hardships. It felt unfair throughout the game and was very challenging to make it the full 30 days.
Living in poverty does impact social determinants of health. Social determinants of health are described as how people are brought up into the world and what they are exposed to. Research shows that living in a lower socioeconomic area impacts life expectancy (who. 2023). Being in poverty unfortunately has negative impacts on your mental and physical health. It influences the way people live and how people react to certain situations (Breilh. 2023). People living in poverty do not have the same opportunities as people who are not in poverty. Health care services, education, transportation, and income just to name a few are all more challenging to obtain. The quality of life is also at a higher risk for drugs and health issues.

Breilh, J. (2023). The social determination of health and the transformation of rights and ethics. Global Public Health, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/17441692.2023.2193830

“Social Determinants of Health.” Social Determinants of Health-Healthy People 2030, 2 Aug. 2021, health.gov/healthypeople/priority-areas/social-determinants-health.

“Social Determinants of Health.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 2023, www.who.int/health-topics/social-determinants-of-health.

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After playing this game I have a whole new perspective on budgeting money and how people may be living day to day


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