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Evaluation paper about City of Bravos EMS System St. Louis Missouri

Evaluation paper about City of Bravos EMS System St. Louis Missouri

Evaluation paper about City of Bravos EMS System St. Louis Missouri

In this paper, you will read about the document that is attached. The document is about City of Bravos EMS System at St. Louis Missouri. I want you to identify the strengths and weaknesses and discussing both the positive and negatives and adding suggestions about what, if anything you would have changed. The paper should be referenced whether if you want to use outside sources or use the same sources in the actual document. The paper should be 4-6 pages and APA formatted. In order to write this paper, you will have to read the document to know about City of Bravos EMS System at St. Louis Missouri EMS System. This a peer evaluation assignment most the information the you need to evaluate is in the document.



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