Book Presentation – PowerPoint/Prezi
Book Presentation Instructions
Choose a book from the list below. You will make a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation about your book. It should include:
* The author’s main argument
* What the author uses to support his argument and
* A discussion of the weaknesses and strengths of the book
List of Books
- Linda M. Heywood and John K. Thornton, Central Africans, Atlantic Creoles and the Foundation of the Americas(2007)
- Gerald Horne, The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America (2014)
- Edward E. Baptist, The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism (2014)
- Sylviane Diouf, Slavery’s Exiles: The Story of the American Maroons(2014)
- William Dusinberre, Them Dark Days: Slavery in the American Rice Swamps(1996)
- Edward Ball, Slaves in the Family(1998)
- Noralee Frankel, Freedom’s Women: Black Women and Families in Civil War Era Mississippi (1999)
- Walter Johnson, Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market (1999)
- Sally Hadden, Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia and the Carolinas(2001)
- Sharla M. Fett, Working Cures: Healing, Health, and Power on Southern Slave Plantations(2002) This book is already taken by a student
- Dylan C. Penningroth, The Claims of Kinfolk: African American Property and Community in the Nineteenth-Century South (2003)
- Stephanie Camp, Closer to Freedom: Enslaved Women and Everyday Resistance in the Plantation South(2004)
- Daina Ramey Berry, Swing the Sickle for the Harvest is Ripe: Gender and Slavery in Antebellum Georgia(2007)
- Thavolia Glymph, Out of the House of Bondage: The Transformation of the Plantation Household (2009)
- Adam Rothman, Beyond Freedom’s Reach: A Kidnapping in the Twilight of Slavery(2015)
- Leslie M. Harris, In the Shadow of Slavery: African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863 (2003)
- Erica Armstrong Dunbar, A Fragile Freedom: African American Women and Emancipation in the Antebellum City(2008)