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Bio Ethics Research Paper


Bio Ethics Research Paper



The medical field as a capitalist cooperation:


Many times patients are not treated based on how severe there illness is or not. Many tests (x-rays, blood tests) are given to patients who obviously don’t need them just because they are expensive. Patients who hold a good insurance happen to be the most taken advantage of as the hospital knows that the insurance company will be paying them. This puts the hospital’s ethics into question, as this system is not fair to the patient.


You could take it in a couple of directions. You could, if you wanted, argue that the free market automatically creates these kinds of conflicts of interest, and the best solution is to create a socialized healthcare system. You could, on the other hand, argue for specific regulations or policies that help to eliminate some of these conflicts of interest while still maintaining something like a free market. (For example, you might argue that physicians should never work directly for managed care organizations, because doing so creates exactly these kinds of conflicts of interest.)


In 8-10 pages (not counting front matter or the works cited page), analyze a bioethical topic related to course. Read at least five scholarly sources beyond the required readings; make sure the sources cover multiple sides of the issue. Ask the instructor for assistance finding sources. Analyze the arguments of the sources; offer and defend a well-defined thesis. Identify and respond to at least one objection to your own argument. The paper should conform to a standard academic style manual (MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian). Use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins on all sides, double spacing, and left (not full) justification. Up to 2 points may be deducted for non-standard English, up to 4 points for failure to use a professional tone (to show personal, cultural, and ideological sensitivity).


Grading rubric: Paper clearly identifies an ethical question and states a thesis. 2 points.

… accurately and charitably summarizes five (or more) scholarly responses

to the ethical question. 4 points.

… persuasively and creatively defends its thesis against opposing ones. 10 points.

… identifies and responds to at least one substantive objection. 4 points.

… uses professional tone (shows personal, cultural, and ideological sensitivity).

… uses correct terminology, standard English.





…………….Answer Preview……………..

Ethical issues in the medical profession are very common. This is because of the fact that any decision made has implications on patients, healthcare centers and physicians. Healthcare centers need funds to sustain their activities such as paying staff members and other equipment needed to run them. On the other hand, patients need high quality healthcare services in order to combat the various illnesses they are suffering from. In order to access effective healthcare services, patients have to pay a lot of money in…


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