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Research organizations define violence as an extreme model to cause physical injury or death

Research organizations define violence as an extreme model to cause physical injury or death

Needs Statement
Research organizations define violence as an extreme model to cause physical injury or death. Researchers have found that youths and women are more vulnerable to violence in the community than adult male individuals. Major examples of youth violence in the community include homicides, physical and sexual assault, and gang violence. Youth violence can have severe consequences on victims including a negative impact on their mental health (Firat, 2018). The program for funding aims at presenting awareness of mental health with its relation to violence in the community and to find a solution to mitigate the problem.
Letter of Intent
We are requesting $150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand dollars) for arts programs that brings awareness and resources to mental health as it relates to violence in the community. The programs will be running at Purpose Revealed’s resident location located in the Auburn Gresham and Englewood neighborhoods of Chicago, IL.
We believe this request fits under your project-based funding. The community will benefit from mentoring and mental wellness through the arts. We will integrate the arts in communities that lack these programs. We will also bring awareness in an engaging, relevant and thought-provoking way through the arts.
Promoting excellence in the arts, education, and various social skills in a safe environment through professional and motivating programs is a part of our mission and vision. This is aligned with the vision of NEA. In hopes to reweave our communities, we strive to bring affordable and quality programs. We provide these programs in a safe space and the youth, their families and the entire community will benefit from our program.

Needs_Statement_and_Sponsor_Selection1 Needs_Statement_and_Sponsor_Selection Letter_of_Intent Proposal-Narrative

Answer preview to research organizations define violence as an extreme model to cause physical injury or deathResearch organizations define violence as an extreme model to cause physical injury or death


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