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Think about your life as a story and imagine you’re going to be writing an autobiography

Think about your life as a story and imagine you’re going to be writing an autobiography

Think about your life as a story and imagine you’re going to be writing an autobiography or a screenplay outlining your lived experiences.

Use one of the sociological perspectives, Symbolic Interactionism, Functionalism, or Conflict Theory, to frame your responses to the following:

First, develop the Table of Contents for your autobiography or the listing of scenes, if you’re thinking of a screenplay and your life as a film. You are free to organize the chapters or scenes in any way you choose. Be creative – develop sections or sub-sections, if you like. Next, create the title of your book or film. This title should reveal to us, the reader, which sociological perspective you are using to frame the story of your life. Finally, compose a brief, one or two paragraph introduction for your story that includes two unique and interesting facts about you, as well as descriptions of your perspective of the world and your passions.

Remember, excellent or exemplary reflections exceed question requirements, including self-reflection, timeliness, and connections to course content which includes bolded or italicized sociological concepts, and a works cited.

Conerly, T. R., Holmes, K., & Tamang, A. L. (2021). Introduction to Sociology 3e. OpenStax. https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-3e

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Think about your life as a story and imagine you’re going to be writing an autobiography


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