Explore the four philosophical assumptions used by qualitative researchers and place
Foundations of Qualitative Research Worksheet
Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.
Part 1
For Part 1, you will explore the four philosophical assumptions used by qualitative researchers and place them in the first column of the table below. For each assumption, define the philosophical assumption using references to support your ideas in the second column. Then offer an example of how each philosophical assumption could serve as a basis for a real-world qualitative research study in the third column.
Philosophical Assumption Definition Example
Which philosophical assumption resonates with you the most? Why?
Part 2
Choose a qualitative research topic you might be interested in exploring and indicate the topic in the appropriate location above the table below. Review and choose three of the interpretive frameworks in your text and place them in the first column of the table below. Define those three frameworks and explain how you could approach your research topic from each in the second column. Be sure to use examples and references to support your points in the third column.
Qualitative Research Topic:
Interpretive Framework Definition/Explanation of the Interpretive Framework Example of How Your Research Topic (Listed Above) Would Be Explored Using This Framework
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