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What stages of artistic development did you observe in the heroine’s art

What stages of artistic development did you observe in the heroine’s art

3 pages Reflection paper of video White Oleander

Reflection Paper:

After viewing the video White Oleander (relating to navigating normal human development under abnormal conditions), comment on what developmental theorists say about the importance of adolescent/emerging adult development.

Also, what stage(s) of artistic development did you observe in the heroine’s art? Why? How did art-making help with insight, healing and coping?

Reference page should include Anderson, Lowenfeld, and developmental theorists you reference in your paper.Min. 5 pages, 3 or more references. APA style.

Information on Writing a REFLECTIVE ESSAY PAPER for White Oleander

Reflection papers are to be at least 4 pages, double-spaced, using APA format, in the following manner: Page 1 Title, pages 2, 3 and 4 are personal reflections that cite the required readings/videos, films, etc., page 5 is the References page.

Anderson, F. (1992). (2nd ed.) Art for all the children: Approaches to art therapy for children with disabilities. Charles C. Thomas Publications.

Anderson, F. (1992). (2nd ed.) Chapter 2: Overview of children’s normal development in art. In Art for all the children: Art therapy for children with disabilities. (pp. 99-141). Springfield, IL: Chas. C Thomas.
Lowenfeld’s Stages of graphic development
Please follow APA~and using Anderson, Lowenfeld, and developmental theorists

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What stages of artistic development did you observe in the heroine’s art


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