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Artifact examples 

Artifact examples

Select one of the artifact examples presented in this module. Your post title should indicate which artifact you have selected.

Seven Wonders of the World

Anne Frank’s Diary

Bob Dylan’s song “The Times They Are a-Changin'”

“Uncle Sam Wants YOU” Poster

In your initial post, answer the following questions:

What do you think the universal idea it represents is?

What do you think could be inferred from studying the artifact in terms of the culture and context in which it was created?

What do you believe was the creator’s intention in creating the artifact?

When responding to your peer’s post, choose a peer who selected a different artifact by looking at the title of the discussion post. Assuming the reasons given by your peer were in fact the creator’s intention, describe how this knowledge changed your view, feelings, or opinion of the culture in which the artifact was created. How do you think the artifact potentially impacted the values of society after it was released to the public? Discuss how your own individual assumptions, beliefs, and values might shape your impression of the artifact.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Peer 1

The universal ideal behind the Seven Wonders of the World is wealth and power. What can be assumed when examining each of the Seven Wonders is the society and culture in which it existed was prosperous. The completion of these artifacts was proof that a society was powerful enough to source the vast quantities of labor and materials needed. For example, The Great Pyramid at Giza required, “nearly 2.3 million blocks of stone, each weighing approximately 2 tons”, and, “likely took 20 years to construct” (Travel Channel 2017).

The Seven Wonders of the World were created to showcase the societies wealth, power and capabilities; such as the Colossus at Rhodes. According to the Travel Channel (2017), “The statue was erected to commemorate the island’s patron god, Helios, after Rhodes successfully defended itself in 304 B.C. from an invasion.”

Travel Channel. (4 Apr. 2017). Seven Wonders of the World. Retrieved from www.travelchannel.com/interests/outdoors-and-adventure/articles/seven-wonders-of-the-world.

Peer 2

I chose the artifact, Anne Franks Diary because I have always

been interested in this subject. I think the universal idea her diary

represents is her everlasting feeling of being lonely and misunderstood.

From the culture in which it was created, we can infer that Anne Franks

Diary would hold a wealth of first hand information regarding the

experiences of the Jew during the Holocaust. I believe that Anne Frank,

as the creator of this artifact, her intention in creating her diary was

to tell her story as a Jew and the loneliness in her adolescent years.


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Artifact examples 


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