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Art in the news

Art in the news

Art in the News

Survey of Art & Culture I



Length: 3-5 pages  Papers LESS than three full pages NOT accepted   NOT ACCEPTED means not graded and = 0 POINTS


Sources:  At least three MAJOR NEWS ARTICLES about ONE news story or discovery. Papers will not be accepted without 3 major news sources. Not accepted = 0 points.

THE PAPER: In this first major writing assignment, ONE MAJOR NEWS ARTICLE dated within the last three years relating to art or culture from Prehistoric to the Gothic period (before 1400 CE). You will then search other MAJOR NEWS agencies for the same story. These other articles can be older articles on the same story. ALL articles will be about one particular piece in the news. (This is not about three separate pieces of art or places.) There are new discoveries every day. An article on art, architecture, anthropology or archaeology may serve you well.  More than three news sources will make it easier to write a minimum of three pages.

Discuss the main news article and then elaborate by placing it in the context of established views concerning the subject. An older article may refute or support the main article and would contribute to the paper. If the discovery or artwork is controversial, explain why that is and present all sides of the argument. For example, if a new discovery challenges conventional dates attributed to a particular culture, describe how dates were originally arrived at (find an older article) and precisely how this new discovery challenges those conventions, giving arguments from both sides of the debate. If you are discussing discovery challenges, you will need a source that backs up the old discovery or old date (if it’s not in your article). You must include your article sources in your bibliography page with a working url. Test the url to be certain it is viable.

INCLUDE AN IMAGE: The image is placed at the very end of the paper. At least one illustration or photograph should be included and followed by a 10 pt. caption, flushed left, of identifying information, immediately followed by a citation of the source. This citation is not included on the works cited page.

MECHANICS OF THE PAPER: Three to five pages means at least three entire full pages of text. The three pages does NOT include your works cited page or image. Standard one-inch margins, double-spaced with the first line of the paragraph indented with no extra spacing anywhere else. Only your name should be in the upper left corner. PLEASE take the time to do a spell-check AND read over the paper to be sure it makes sense. Organization of the paper, grammar, spelling, and content will be evaluated. Please see separate grading rubric.

DIRECT QUOTATION LIMITATION: Maximum of three short quotations (each, no more than three lines). This is word-for-word material that has been taken directly from your source. These will be placed in quotation marks and be followed by an in-text citation.

SOURCES: You may ONLY use major news sources: Be sure to click NEWS first. Search through AP wire news, CNN, MSNBC (msnbc.com), NYTimes.com. Foreign news services, like the BBC (bbc.co.uk), The Guardian (guardian.co.uk), or CBC (cbc.co.ca) always carry more in-depth coverage of cultural news. It is often necessary to click on “News” or insert archaeology or ancient art into the search field. Be sure to search in current news. Do not use a library of the site. Legitimate and credible websites might be used as supporting sources but will not be counted as major news sources. PLEASE CHECK WITH ME BEFORE USING THEM. NO textbook or encyclopedias. NO Huffington Post, periphery websites such as personal websites, blogs, ‘Art in the News’ websites, Wikipedia, art websites, or the like. Include the exact URL of the articles on the works cited page.


IN-TEXT CITATION: The in-text citation is an abbreviated documentation of your source; the full information will be placed on the works cited page. The citation will be by the author’s last name, and if none, then by the news agency (for example, CNN). Only if you have different articles from the same source, do you change this, and then the date of the article can be added after the news source. Do NOT place all bibliography information in the in-text citation.



In this particular paper, nearly everything should be cited, as the information comes from your sources.

The only thing not cited would be your conclusion, as new material would not be introduced in your conclusion.


NOTE: IN-TEXT CITATION is mandatory EVEN IF YOU PARAPHRASED the material; the author of your source still receives credit. Please see the plagiarism videos.


If one fails to read this assignment and commits plagiarism, there is no make-up. The concept of plagiarism and how to avoid it is an expected knowledge at this point. You watched the plagiarism You-Tube videos and completed a quiz.


The absence of in-text citation merits a grade of zero.

A lack of citation merits a grade of 50.


If you have any questions about any of this, please ask. It is better to ask than for your grade to suffer.

It’s simple: cite your sources and do not copy.

Located in Resources:

ACCESS TO THE PLAGIARISM VIDEOS WILL REMAIN IN RESOURCES. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Your first offense will result in a zero for the assignment. Your second offense will be reported to the college, with possible failure in the class or repeated offenses merit expulsion from college.









……………Answer Preview……………..





Art in the news


            Scientists are involved in the search for the origin of the modern day culture across the world. Different scholars have come up with different explanations regarding the origin of various cultures. This paper is going to look at the origin of the European culture, based on the news articles regarding the activities of researchers.


            Archaeologists from Sweden have excavated a building which is approximated to be around 60 meters long. The building is believed to date around 1100 B.C, and it is believed to belong to the ancient settlements of the Tell Abu al-Kharaz. According…………………


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