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What extent are the visuals you are being asked to design articulating clear arguments

What extent are the visuals you are being asked to design articulating clear arguments

1. One of the main arguments in Birdsell and Groarke\’s \”Toward a Theory of Visual Argument\” is that visual artifacts can be used to articulate arguments clearly. To what extent are the visuals you are being asked to design articulating clear arguments? Are they arguments that can be easily written out, or are they more subtle and implicit? What effect do you think each type might have on your audience for your social media campaign, and why?

Use Birdsell and Groarke’s “Toward a Theory of Visual Argument” as a resource 

My campaign is on climate change.

2. In \”Rhetoric\’s Mechanics: Retooling the Equipment of Writing Production,\” Jenny Edbauer Rice recounts the teaching and learning of technology (and not just writing) in the Youth Document Durham (YDD) project. In that project, the focus included, rather than excluded, the need for students to gain \”mechanical\” experience with the technologies used to produce documents in various media. Now that you have designed a website, produced some video, for your social media campaign, to what extent do you think a \”writer\” is someone who can learn and master technology? Should the technical part be left to someone else? Why or why not?

Use Jenny Rice’s Rhetoric Mechanica: Retooling the Equipment of Writing Production as a resource

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What extent are the visuals you are being asked to design articulating clear arguments


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