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Grievance arbitration

Grievance arbitration

Grievance Arbitration paper

5. – Students are expected to use the case and course material to identify these
Arguments. The arguments your group is making, substantiated by your references and
linking that to the course material, case, collective agreement and any other
 Addiction is irrelevant. Ms. Williams neglected her duties as a nurse in a situation
where not showing up to work could result in lives lost, major health implications
for her patients
 We did not know about her drug and alcohol addiction. She did not disclose this
and as far as we know she did not seek treatment until after termination
 There is no proof that she was fired because of a disability (addiction) since we
had no proof that she had an addiction
 Her absenteeism was above average and was steadily getting worse (closer and
closer together). There was no improvement and no proof that it would get better,
based on her history.
6. – What is the relevance and insight that we should draw from your chosen source(s)?
This is where students make the connection from the facts of the case to why their
resource is relevant and how it supports their argument. Students can use any other
related arbitration cases, labor relations principles and practices or anything else that you
may feel to be relevant and appropriate to support your reasons for dismissal, or not.
Sources: liquor store employee
Sault area hospital
7. – Conclusion: Articulate how you think the grievance should be disposed of depending
on whether you are management or the union and briefly why. This is a summary
(conclusion) or overall view of your case

BUSI 4330 3rd Edby (1)_0_split (1)

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Grievance Arbitration


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