Appeal Letter
Lamar’s Financial Aid Department has declined your application for scholarship for next year, citing a drop in your course grades, your carrying less than the required number of college credits, and receipt of unacceptable attendance and quality of work reports from two of your instructors. Write a letter to the Director of Lamar Financial Aid arguing for the renewal of your scholarship. You will need an introductory paragraph, a paragraph or more acknowledging your poor performance, two or more body paragraphs stating valid arguments for reinstatement, and a concluding paragraph.
This letter must exemplify the major points of argumentation found in chapter 9, LBH: one of the forms of reasoning, stating a claim, using evidence, creating ethos, disputing any opposing views.
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Sponsorship Appeal
Success in education largely hinges upon the effort the student puts towards attaining the required credit scores. However, attaining the scores is not always an easy task. The student often faces challenges in the course of the study, some from within the school and others from external pressure from the society. Only the students who can conquer such challenges manage to make it out of college a happy lot. Students dependent on financial aid often have a larger challenge than those that can sponsor themselves…..
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