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Answer the questions




  1. What four (4) IT security controls do you find the most important? Why? Do you consider anything related to process or policy a “true” safeguard? Why? Why not? 
  2. We know from experience that the insider threat presents the biggest challenge to security professionals. With this area of control being nearly overwhelming… what technologies do you recommend that will help the security team keep a near real-time view of the insider threat? Think automation, behavior detection, and correlation. 
  3. Please read the following document, (ITS ATTACHED AND TITLED QUESTION 3 READ DOCUMENT), which discusses a security breach at one of the country’s largest Universities.  Discuss the ramifications of the event, what might be the vulnerabilities that were exploited, regulatory and compliance issues associated with the event and what, if you were the CISO would be your recommended course/courses of action to ensure this type of incident did not happen in the future.  Please remember to cite your sources.
  4. Please read the following articles:



Snowden, during an interview with Brian Williams, stated that he was a trained spy within the context of conducting his normal job routine. What do you feel are the cyber implications that result from his actions and revelations? Please no editorial about his behavior or your patriotism…. let’s keep the conversation focused on cyber policies, cyber technologies, or cyber procedures.   

  1. Read the Wachovia Case Study located here, http://gilbane.com/case_studies_pdf/CTW_Wachovia_Final.pdf#_Toc88022904.

Now, select five of the most important concepts that you identified that contributed to the success of integration of IT capabilities. Explain why you chose each one.


  1. Our class focuses on integrating several aspects of information security/assurance.  Part of an overall integrated approach to achieving a comprehensive information assurance program is compliance management.  As you are aware there are a number of government regulations that affect both the public and private sector.  Please read(THE PDF IS ATTACHED TITLED QUESTION 6) the author makes a strong case for centralized management of IT compliance and the use of software tools to assist in managing compliance programs.

You are the CISO of a large private financial company that is traded on the NY Stock Exchange.  You were tasked by the the CIO to develop an IT compliance management program for your organization.  What approach would you take to develop such a program?  What regulations impact the organization?  Would you consider the use of a compliance tool?  If so which one and how would you justify the expense?

Remember to cite your sources and to give a complete answer to the questions posted above.

  1. After watching the two videos on Vulnerability Assessment,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXyl0re1MZs and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqhdQ6I6dMA, how can you use this methodology to combat risk? Describe a situation where you would use it and why? What challenges would you face in using it?
  2. Read the article entitledBusiness Executive’s Guide to IT Architecture, located here, http://www.opengroup.org/public/arch/p1/oview/.

Numerous organizations do not have a well-defined architecture and the processes in place to maintain and manage changes.  What are two reasons that IT architectures are important?  How about a security architecture?  Are they one and the same? Why should you care?

  1. What integration issues do merging companies face?  What techniques can a security professional use to ease cultural differences? How would the security professional bring together both IT teams so they feel comfortable?  One of the most “invisible” barriers to success is the feeling of other IT professionals or teams “loss of control”.  How can you ease fears and build a positive team?
  2. Cultural differences when companies merge can last for years.  There have been instances when the acquired company had more advanced technology then the other company, and they were forced to step back in time.  That is a very frustrating experience.  How would you tackle this issue?
  3. Conflict management techniques come in handy when you are working in organizations.  Most people do not have a good skill set in this area.  Read the article,Conflict Management Techniques, available here, http://www.personalityexplorer.com/home/FREEResources/ConflictManagementTechniques.aspx. You might recognize a technique you already use. Select one technique and provide an example of how you think it may be used during a merger, or formation of a team. Provide details.
  4. Most work forces are moving to more remote access.  How do you manage people remotely?  How do you make sure that they are included in the team.  Our example has only two countries involved, what if there are many?  How do you provide them access into the network securely?  Especially if they are coming in from other countries that are known for infiltrating networks??
  5. Please research cybercrime and post one article that you found, then do a summary of that article. 
  6. Find a recent article related to issues surrounding IT mergers or implementation of a new technology in an organization and describe how they were resolved or handled.  You can use an example of issues in your own organization and how they were solved or dealt with.  You should be developing a portfolio of templates and Best practices (or a wiki) that you can refer back to over the years.
  7. Please watch the first 30 minutes of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNE1tQoObbs .

Write about your reaction/thoughts/opinions concerning the presenters’ point of view.  Discuss whether you agree/disagree with the points of view and if so concerning what aspects of their collective perspective.  Remember to cite sources and to respond to at least two of your classmates.



 ………………Answer Preview……………

IT security controls are all the measures that control the safety of IT systems. The data is made secure using these technical assets. Four most important security controls can be:

Data Base Model…..

 3029 words

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