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Compare and contrast the portrayal of the human body to that of the Greeks

compare and contrast the portrayal of the human body to that of the Greeks

The middle ages gives us a very different view of humanity. You will note that the last chapter emphasizes this and that it seems as if the great skill and detail revealed in ancient Greek and Rome have disappeared – we are now in what historians used to call the “Dark Ages”. Is it that artists can no longer portray the human body with the skill they did in the ancient world? Or is it that they have other purposes? Be sure to have read the chapter and in particular, to have reviewed the section on the Last Judgment and compare and contrast the portrayal of the human body to that of the Greeks.


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The Middle Age or the medieval age was a time when Europe witnessed its darkest history ever because of the epidemics that led to the death of almost a third of the population. The period spanned for over 1000 years and saw the fall of many empires and the growth of the church and religion. Medieval art during this time grew…………………….

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