Describe two (2) specific aspects about the Great Wall of China
Week 4 Discussion
“China and its Great Wall” Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:
Describe two (2) specific aspects about the Great Wall of China, such as facts about its size, length, purposes, varied materials, labor force, and its phases of construction. Consider the various purposes of such a wall and its impact for good or bad in Ancient China.
Please be sure to avoid comments on the current Southern Border/Mexico of USA. This is a highly controversial subject and your comments may be taken out of context and appear as harassment of another student. Any comments about the Southern Border/Mexico will be immediately removed with loss of points.
China and Its Great Wall
Chapter 7 (pp. 216-218, 225), early phases, (pp. 617-618) later phase
Explore wall interactively at
Video at
UNESCO article at
“China’s Wall Less Great in View from Space” article at
Answer preview to describe two (2) specific aspects about the Great Wall of China
573 words