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Analyzing Essays that offer solutions to problems

Analyzing Essays that offer solutions to problems

Analyzing Essays that Offer Solutions to Problems Discussion…..i have attached as much information as i could..i only have hardcopy books, so i will try to give whatever information i can. APA formatting, use references as appropriate


Analyzing Essays that Offer Solutions to Problems” Please respond to the following:

  • Read the three essays in Chapter 11 (“The Nursing Crisis; The Solution Lies Within,” “An Open Letter to the Community,” and “Request for a Work Schedule Change.”) Analyze the arguments and compare the effectiveness of their thesis statements, proposed solutions, and evidence.
  • Identify which one you think is most effective. Explain.


http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2008/11/18_letter.shtml …..essay “Open letter

http://www.juns.nursing.arizona.edu/articles/Fall%202002/pollard.htm …..essay “Nuring Crsis


…essay “The Solution lies within


Karen works weekdays 9:00 to 5:30 as a technical writer for an aerospace plant. Karen’s husband Murray doesn’t start work until 9:30, but often must work late into the evening. They have two school-age children. Their youngest, Helen, has cerebral palsy.

Karen would like to work flextime, so that she can be home with her daughters after school. That would allow her to schedule more therapy appointments for Helen, as well as help the girls with their homework. It would also save the family significant babysitting costs.

She will request a 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. workday.


To: John Doe
From: Karen MacDonald
Re: Request for Flextime
Date: May 17, 2006

{specific work schedule change requested}

As a team member of HI-Tech’s Technical Writing Division for six years, I’d like to propose changing my work hours to 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., instead of 9:00 to 5:30.

{how the plan will benefit the company}

I believe that, with this earlier schedule, I would be able to improve my written output by at least a third. As I’m sure you know, writing and editing requires a great deal of solitary concentration. Although I enjoy the camaraderie of our open-concept office, I am frequently disrupted by nearby phone calls and discussions. With the earlier schedule, I would have several hours to work without distraction before most of my coworkers arrive each day.

An earlier schedule would also allow me to schedule my daughter’s medical appointments after work, meaning I’d be able to take significantly less time off, yet still see to her needs.

{what makes the plan feasible}

I feel that my work record as a reliable, self-directed, and self-disciplined employee makes me an ideal candidate for flextime work.

Since I rarely interact directly with customers, customer service should not be compromised. Should an urgent matter arise after I’d left work for the day, I would still be accessible by cell phone.

My meetings with engineers can be easily rescheduled to take place before 2:30. I could still arrange to work a later schedule on days when my presence would be critical in the late afternoon — for example, if a client requested a 3:00 meeting.

{what is necessary to make the plan work}

To ensure success, I propose we meet weekly in the first month to review the arrangement. I would continue to report on my progress in weekly department meetings.

{how performance will be measured}

We can use the timelines currently in our product schedule to track my projects and measure productivity.

{an understanding that arrangement depends on a successful trial period}

I would like to discuss this proposal with you further to address any potential concerns you might have. I understand that you are responsible for the success of this department and must determine whether this plan works for our team as a whole. I suggest a trial period of one month, after which the arrangement could be assessed and revised, if necessary. I understand that if the plan is not working, I might be required to return to my original schedule.


……………Answer Preview………….

Analyzing Essays that offer solutions to problems

The three essays try to give solutions to problems in various sectors. The nursing crisis essay talks of the crisis the nurses are facing in the country. Nursing career has been hit by problems due to several reasons, among them poor working conditions, heavy workload, insufficient support staff, inadequate staffing and bad pay. This has reduced the nursing professionals in the market. To stop this trend, the essay argues that there is need to make nursing profession as it used to be. Competitive, enough staffing, good working conditions, good pay and so on is important to solve the nursing crisis. In today’s world, there……………….


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