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Analysis of Everyday Conversations

Analysis of Everyday Conversations

Think back on an important conversation you had recently in which you wanted to achieve a particular result. (Examples: Asking your employer
to change your work schedule; explaining to a friend how to change the oil and filter in a car; attempting to talk your spouse or partner into
buying the computer you like rather than the one he or she prefers.) Then work up a brief analysis of the conversation, as described below.

ReferenceseBook & Resources

CriticalThinkingLearningObjective: LO 2: Compare and contrast public speaking and everyday conversation.27
10.00 points

Note: This question will not be automatically graded.
It will be sent to your instructor for review.

Required information
In your analysis, explain the following: (1) your purpose in the conversation and the message strategy you chose to achieve your purpose; (2)
the communication channels used during the conversation and how they affected the outcome; (3) the interference—internal or external—you
encountered during the conversation; (4) the steps you took to adjust to feedback; and (5) the strategic changes you would make in preparing
for and carrying out the conversation if you had it to do over again.
……………..Answer Preview……………
In a recent conversation, I was focused at borrowing some money from a friend that I intended to payback after some time. The main aim for me was to try to make sure that I convinced my friend that I really needed the money. I chose to use a persuasive tone in an effort to try and convince my friend why I needed the money as well as the different ways that I was going to be able to pay back the…
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