american dancing essay
For this week, I’d like you to write a “model chapter” for America Dancing. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be as long as a typical chapter in Pugh’s book! By writing an essay that attempts to model the stylistic (the way she writes) and the content (what the writing is about), you will learn an amazing amount in terms of how to write academically.
You will notice a general pattern in her writing, but I will help you out and give you some guidelines.
She almost always starts with an historic moment that introduces or epitomizes the creator or performer of the American dance form she will focus on throughout the chapter. She then either goes into some history about the performances of this dance on American stages (or screens), or she defines the themes and movements that the dance embodies. After that, she does a thorough historical survey of the dance, or dancers, incorporating descriptions and analyses of the dance and how it represented America at the time as she tells the history of the dance’s relationship to the American moment. She concludes by giving a sense of why the dance, or its representatives, is so important to the history of American dance.
I would like you to write an essay in which you follow this pattern by discussing a dance form missing from her book but that you feel is American and fits the timeline parameters (from the Cakewalk to the Moonwalk) of her book.
Please use MLA to cite all references that you use (in-text citations and a Works Cited page, help for this is here: – including the dance itself, any videos you watch, and books that help support the ideas you have to understanding its place in American dance history.
Although I have given you a quick guide for how she writes through these dances in her chapters, I’d strongly urge you to take a look at a specific chapter and see how she organizes the material into a chapter-length text. Try to see if you can follow it structurally and in terms of content. DO NOT copy any of her phrasing or writing itself. Only use your observation to write a chapter in a similar organization and address of subject matter.
5-7 pages. Double-spaced, 12 point font. Due Monday, August 1, by midnight.
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Hip-hop Dance (Breaking)
One type of dance that I feel was significantly avoided in the America Dancing: From the Cakewalk to the Moonwalk by Megan Pugh is the American Hip hop Dance. We are all familiar with hip hop dance as it is the most popular dance of our time. Most of our music celebrities today are hip hop artists such as Kanye West, Snoop dog, Dr. Dre and Lil Wayne among many others. Hip hop dance is not anew phenomenon in America……
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