Select an evaluation study from this week’s resources.
Select an evaluation study from this week’s resources. Consider how you would present the information to a group of colleagues.
Download the PowerPoint Presentation template from the Learning Resources and use it for this Discussion.
Post three slides in which you present the results of the evaluation to a group of social work colleagues. Within your slides:
Summarize the important points of the study, including background information, research methods used to evaluate the program or practice, and the main findings.
State whether you would support adopting the program or practice in your agency or community setting, based on the evidence.
Prepare your slides in a way that would hold your colleagues’ interest. Do not include narration.
Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
Chapter 11, “Preparing and Disseminating a Report of Findings” (pp. 276–291)
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). PowerPoint presentation Links to an external site..
Evaluation Studies
Gurdak, K., Bond, L., Padgett, D., & Petering, R. (2022). Transitioning to independent living: Experiences of homeless young adults in rapid rehousing Links to an external site.. Evaluation and Program Planning, 92, 102076.
Haselden, M., Bloomfield-Clagett, B., Robinson, S., Brister, T., Jankowski, S. E., Rahim, R., Cabassa, L. J., & Dixon, L. (2020). Qualitative study of NAMI Homefront Family Support Program Links to an external site.. Community Mental Health Journal, 56,1391–1405.
Stylianou, A. M., Counselman-Carpenter, E., &Redcay, A. (2019). Developing a financial literacy program with survivors of intimate partner violence: The voices of survivors Links to an external site.. Social Work, 64(4), 311–320.
Answer preview to Select an evaluation study from this week’s resources.
5 slides