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Aftercare Program

Aftercare Program
  1. I do agree with you that the key this aftercare program is supervision. Because this Offenders need help to go back into community. By supervising them we can tell if they are ready or not . Even if they are sent to community i like the fact that they are still under supervision. I think this aftercare program helps our Juveniles a lot . Would you agree? 5SENTENCES
  2. The aftercare program helps them see that they are responsible for there actions. But it also shows them that there is more out there than getting in trouble. Professionals are also guiding them to see where the problems lye and how they can help and get them on the right path. 5 SENTENCES

………………….Answer Preview…………………..Aftercare program supervision usually contains intensive supervision and frequent contact with relevant authorities. The program involves thorough drug tests, curfews and attendance to community programs. These measures are taken to ensure that, these offenders are well disciplined to interact with the society. There can be no better way to ascertain these people are fully transformed rather than through supervision. Based on these and other arguments, I would agree that aftercare supervision program is arguably the best and ideal way that can ascertain these offenders ……………


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