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How does Acute Stress Affect workers in Self-Evaluation

How does Acute Stress Affect workers in Self-Evaluation

After settling on your topic and research question, you will prepare an annotated bibliography of 4 scholarly sources that are relevant to your research focus. At least 2 of your 4 sources must be academic journal articles from google scholar.

For each source, write an APA reference list entry (see links in Modules).

Below each reference list entry, write a concise annotation that summarizes the central ideas in the source. In 1-2 paragraphs, do the following:

(a) briefly identify the authors/researchers and their qualifications

(b) summarize the key ideas, arguments, and/or findings

(c) reflect on how this source fits into your research. How will you use this research in your paper? What key information do you find useful? How has it shaped your argument or changed your understanding of the topic?

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Laschinger, H. K. S., Finegan, J., Shamian, J., & Wilk, P. (2001). Impact of structural and psychological empowerment on job strain in nursing work settings: expanding Kanter’s model. Journal of nursing Administration, 31(5), 260-272.

The authors of this article are Heather K. Spence Laschinger a Professor, Joan Finegan an Associate Professor, Judith Shamian a professor and Piotr Wilk a professor. The study was meant to check whether when people ………