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Comparing Models of Abnormal Psychology Through Case Study.

Comparing Models of Abnormal Psychology Through Case Study.

Part 1 Semester paper writing assignment:
Comparing Models of Abnormal Psychology Through Case Study.
The goal of this assignment is to explore two models of abnormal psychology beyond the textbook and apply these perspectives to one case study depicting a major mental illness.
I will email you the the APA citation style word document and the case study article.

1.  Require APA format word document
2.  Please read chapter 1 and 2 of textbook:
Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology by Ronald J. Comer and Jonathan S. Comer
3.  Use two models
a)  Biological model
b)  Cognitive-behavioral model
4.  Use the APA citation style word document that I email you.  Replace all highlighted text as noted on the document.  This document is set up in APA citation style so do not change anything that is not highlighted.
5.  Complete one introductory paragraph that includes the following:
*  Make sure this section of the semester paper is labeled “Introduction”
*  A brief introduction with a thesis statement including the following:
a)  A definition of abnormal psychology
b)  A brief description of the “Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder”
c)  A brief description of the Biological Model and Cognitive-behavioral Model.
d)  The goal of evidence-based treatment specific to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.


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Comparing Models of Abnormal Psychology Through Case Study.


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