reflective log journal
Reflective log
Reflect on the following article: How Entrepreneurship Can Save Arts Education (
How do you feel about the shift in arts education due to students “giving up their interest and ability in the arts for more stable and higher paying careers”?
What do you think is the root of the problem?
As the author asks at the end of the article, is he “on the right track”? Do you agree with his recommendations?
Do his recommendations actually address the problem of the decline in arts education? If not, can you come up with any other ideas?
Baron, Franklin, &Hmieleski found the following:
(from the Abstract): While creating and running new ventures, entrepreneurs are exposed to conditions known to generate high levels of stress (e.g., rapid change, unpredictable environments, work overload, personal responsibility for others). Thus, it has been assumed that they often experience intense stress. A markedly different possibility, however, is suggested by Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) theory. This perspective suggests that persons who are attracted by, selected into, and persist in entrepreneurship may be relatively high in the capacity to tolerate or effectively manage stress. In contrast, persons who are relatively low in this capacity tend to exit from entrepreneurship either voluntarily or involuntarily. As a result, founding entrepreneurs as a group are predicted to experience low rather than high levels of stress while running new ventures. Results supported this reasoning: Founding entrepreneurs reported lower levels of stress when compared to participants in a large national survey of perceived stress. Additional findings indicate that entrepreneurs’ relatively low levels of stress derive, at least in part, from high levels of psychological capital (a combination of self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience). Psychological capital was negatively related to stress, and stress, in turn, was negatively related to entrepreneurs’ subjective well-being. Furthermore, and also consistent with ASA theory, the stress-reducing effects of psychological capital were stronger for older than younger entrepreneurs.
Watch the following video: Ted Talk: Stress(
(Students have mentioned finding this video particularly helpful around exam time!)
Discuss any possible links you see between the findings reported in the above abstract and the video content.
How is this video applicable for your own life?
What do you think are the most important take-aways from the video?
- Fredrickson, 2004. The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions.
“positive emotions promote discovery of novel and creative actions, ideas and social bonds, which in turn build that individual’s personal resources; ranging from physical and intellectual resources, to social and psychological resources. Importantly, these resources function as reserves that can be drawn on later to improve the odds of successful coping and survival.”
Dr. Fredrickson describes “Broaden and Build.” (
What do you think is the most important take-away from this video?
How is this relevant to entrepreneurs?
Do one or more of the following activities (you do not need to include the activity in your reflective log). Instead, in your reflective log, reflect on the experience of doing the activity and your reaction. For example: Was it difficult, did you ejoy the activity, how did you feel afterward, how did the other person respond (if you chose one of the first 2 activities), etc. etc.
- Gratitude Letter. Sit down and write a letter to someone who has exerted a positive influence in your life but whom you have not properly thanked. This can be a teacher or a mentor from your past, a grandparent, or anyone else who helped you in some way. The letter doesn’t have to be long, but make sure that you’re specific about what the person did and how it affected you.
- Gratitude Partner. Find someone, it can be a friend or a family member, and share what you’re grateful for with each other. You can feed off of each other’s ideas. In addition, if the other person knows you well they can remind you of things you may be leaving outor things you’ve forgotten.
Gratitude Inventory. Create a list of 100 things that you’re grateful for. If it helps, divide your list into different categories, such as assets (things you own), people (your relationships), qualities (personal qualities and character traits), experiences (place you’ve visited and things you’ve d
The component is self-directed learning/reflecting/journaling, and is described below.
You should treat the reflective log as an entrepreneurship journal in which you include general observations, reflections, or topic discussions that you make throughout each week that pertain to entrepreneurship.
TopicsL: choose three
- Have you noticed a business or entrepreneur who seems to be making some sort of mistake? Or needs improvement in some area? What should they do differently?
- Did you read anthing in any various business publications that you would like to reflect on, comment on, agree with, disagree with, etc.?
- Watch a Ted Talk ( on a topic you find interesting and discuss it.
- Find an article on an entrepreneurship topic, and write a reflection or reaction to it. (e.g.,
- You can journal about anything that pertains to entrepreneurship, business, market needs, opportunity, etc.
……………….Answer Preview………….
Question One
As entrepreneurship is rooted in providing useful and tangible results, it continually exhorts education to be practical, useful, and heroic. It encourages professors to join students as they vigorously pursue their ventures. The most eloquent expressions of entrepreneurship’s precepts, of the ubiquitous ‘hero’s journey’ that cuts across all cultures……………….
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