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Persuasive Eassy Eating Disorder

Persuasive Eassy Eating Disorder

Persuasive Eaasy about Eating Disorders

Introduction + 5 Paragrahs (each point to sustain the point) + Conclusion (Total 2 to 3 well developed pages)

It has to sho a very persuasive spin showing the best way to avoid developoing the eating disorder or can also be the best way to recover…

The statement is around the following:

Eating disorders are serious disturbances and complex conditions with unhealthy consequences that cross the border line of a normal, healthy way of thinking and behaving about a balance diet and food. An “Eating Disorder” is a behavior associated with woman, weight and eats; however, it is more than that. Anyone can end with an eating disorder, involving underlying problems, compensatory behaviors and health risks to be evaluated. An “Eating Disorder” can be a silent killer, and its cure can be a challenge


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The best way to recover from any eating disorder is to seek treatment. According to Kass, Kolko and Wilfley (2013), one of the most important methods of recovering from an eating disorder is to treat it using psychotherapy. This method of treatment involves interacting with a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health counselors on a regular basis. Psychotherapy enables individuals to look into their worries and problems deeply in order to deal with them successfully. The psychological counseling of people with…


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