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Why can’t employers simply hire the person that they consider to be the best person for the job? 

Why can’t employers simply hire the person that they consider to be the best person for the job?

Many classes of people are protected.  Why can’t employers simply hire the person that they consider to be the best person for the job?  Discuss these statements and support your assertions with at least one scholarly resource beyond the textbook.

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  • Assess the extent to which each colleague’s posting represents higher-order thinking and contributes to the ongoing conversation.
  • Include proper APA-formatted citations.



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Protected groups are referred to as people who are protected by policies or law or an authority. Protection is linked to employment and hiring. It is linked to the hiring of minorities in terms of ethnicity, race, disabilities, gender and religion.  Discriminations against these types of people are unlawful according to the law and employers….


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