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Create the marketing objectives, situational analysis, and budget portion of the Marketing Communications Plan

Create the marketing objectives, situational analysis, and budget portion of the Marketing Communications Plan

Review the readings and lectures for this week. Use the information gathered in the discussion question to help formulate the response.

Create the marketing objectives, situational analysis, and budget portion of the Marketing Communications Plan using the business and information presented in the case study. Meet the following requirements:

In 100-150 words list and explain the marketing objectives.

In 500-750 words complete a situational analysis.

In 150-300 words, explain the budget in terms of percentage allocated to each communication vehicle. This may change in the final plan.

Using feedback, update and make changes to the previous section of the plan.

Adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed., 2nd print) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.


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Marketing has various goals and objectives which are meant to fulfill the wishes of a company by making customers have the right information regarding their products and how unique the products are compared to others. In marketing the organization has to make sure that it has worn the hearts of many customers by doing things differently from others. The following are the objectives of marketing various products.

Marketing Objectives

            The first objective in this case is to create product awareness to the consumers. Product awareness will deliver the intended information….


986 words

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