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Recently Answered Criminal Law Questions
Our database contains thousands of previously answered questions that can be used as samples when writing your work. The answers are completed by highly skilled writers and are properly formatted in APA, MLA, or Chicago. We have priced them quite fairly to make them affordable to all students and tutors.
Stricter Gun Control Laws
Stricter Gun Control Laws How Can Stricter Gun Control Laws Impact Crime RateAssignment Instructions: No using Chat Gpt/ AIUse MLAat least 600- 1000 wordsIn this Analytical Research Essay, you will provide an argument thesis about your chosencontroversial topic (also called an issue). The goal of the essay, however, is not to prove yourargument thesis is … Read more
Program and Policy Evaluation Report
Program and Policy Evaluation Report Program and Policy Evaluation ReportAssignment Instructions: CJA/446: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis And Program EvaluationWeek 2 Assessment Prep: Program and Policy Evaluation ReportHomework ContentCriminal justice professionals should not only be familiar with strategies for evaluating criminal justice programs, but also be familiar with how program evaluation strategies can be used to … Read more
What is the basic justification of punishment
What is the basic justification of punishment PLEASE WRITE IN ESSAY FORM AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS What is the basic justification of punishment? Is it to educate, to penalize, to maintain order, or something else? Write a persuasive essay outlining your theory of the justification of punishment. Make sure you rely upon your readings and … Read more
Specific rules of criminal procedure
Specific rules of criminal procedure Make sure you answer all the questions: 1. The “You Should Know!” box titled “Proof and Truth” (page 126 of your textbook) suggests that adversarial proceedings can be distinguished as relying on the government’s ability to prove (following specific rules of criminal procedure) the defendant’s guilt, whereas the inquisitorial process … Read more
Program and Policy Evaluation Report
Program and Policy Evaluation Report Program and Policy Evaluation ReportAssignment Instructions: CJA/446: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis And Program EvaluationWeek 2 Assessment Prep: Program and Policy Evaluation ReportHomework ContentCriminal justice professionals should not only be familiar with strategies for evaluating criminal justice programs, but also be familiar with how program evaluation strategies can be used to … Read more
Criminal laws
Criminal laws Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: Criminal … Read more
Program and Policy Evaluation Proposal
Program and Policy Evaluation Proposal Program and Policy Evaluation ProposalAssignment Instructions: CJA/446: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis and Program EvaluationWeek 3 Summative Assessment: Program and Policy Evaluation ProposalExam ContentAs a criminal justice professional, you may be required to perform a program evaluation or conduct policy research and analysis and deliver actionable conclusions. Familiarity with evaluation strategies … Read more
Briefly define and critique the concept of victim precipitation
Briefly define and critique the concept of victim precipitation Answer should be 3 pages 3. Briefly define and critique the concept of victim precipitation. 4. Suppose you are the Chief of Police in Baton Rouge, LA, and that you have been tasked by the Mayor to reduce the robbery rate in the city by 3 … Read more
Operation Management Presentation
Operation Management Presentation Operation Management PresentationAssignment Instructions: CJA/446: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis And Program EvaluationWeek 4 Summative Assessment: Operations Management PresentationOnce a criminal justice professional has completed a program or policy evaluation, they may identify a problem that needs to be addressed. They will need to apply problem-solving skills to address it, and there are … Read more
Justice system in the United States
Justice system in the United States . Given what you know about the justice system in the United States, in what country (other than the US) would you prefer to be if you were arrested for a crime? 2. Do you agree with the civilization theorists who suggest that crime declined as civility (e.g., eating … Read more
Process-Improvement Summary
Process-Improvement Summary Process-Improvement SummaryAssignment Instructions: CJA/456: Contemporary Issues and Futures in Criminal JusticeWeek 3 Summative Assessment: Process-Improvement SummaryExam ContentVarious population groups within the justice system have different needs, which can require specialized approaches to meet the needs effectively. Agencies regularly form departmental committees to discuss ways of improving their processes to better meet the needs … Read more
The concept of Ethical Discretion
The concept of Ethical Discretion The concept of Ethical Discretion is introduced in your readings of this week and is a topic that will appear frequently as we move through this course. Essentially, ethical discretion requires the criminal justice practitioner to measure, or balance, complying with the rule of law versus the ramifications of noncompliance … Read more
implementation of punishment.
implementation of punishment. If arrested in another country I would prefer that country to be Denmark. Utilizing a descriptive approach, I would want the system to be familiar and therefore reasonably predictable, objective and impartial, and fair in its implementation of punishment. Denmark’s criminal justice system is similar to ours in that has a legislative … Read more
Predictive Analytics Report
Predictive Analytics Report Predictive Analytics ReportAssignment Instructions: CJA/456: Contemporary Issues And Futures In Criminal JusticeWeek 4 Summative Assessment: Predictive Analytics ReportExam ContentCriminal justice professionals use predictive analytics to look at data from multiple sources and consider the best course of action. The process of predictive analysis involves using data and statistics to inform decisions and … Read more
the Abu Ghraib prison scandal
the Abu Ghraib prison scandal Paper 2 deals with the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Please summarize the facts of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal that came to light in 2004. Then assess the ethics of what occurred as follows:First, make a “pro” argument that the actions of the US prison guards were ethically justified, and … Read more
criminal code
criminal code Go to the Legal Information Institute’s listing of state criminal codes and click on the criminal code for your state (or another state if you’re in Colorado or Georgia). Search for the term robbery, and then copy and paste the definition into your word processor. Write a paragraph explaining how your state’s definition compares with that given in … Read more
Intelligence collection
Intelligence collection Intelligence collection occupies a central role in the Intelligence Cycle. Collection is multifaceted and complex. For this week\’s discussion posting: Categorize the key challenges facing intelligence collection efforts and analyze some of the implications of these challenges for the future. Ensure you place your discussion within the context of the literature. Answer preview to … Read more
identify and analyze benefits and problems
identify and analyze benefits and problems Using this week\’s readings and additional outside research, identify and analyze two issues (either benefits, problems, or a combination of the two) associated with the 2004 establishment of the Department of National Intelligence(DNI) position. Within your initial posting, you must support your positions using the weekly Learning Materials, thereby … Read more
Identify the functions and effects of criminal law in modern society reflected in the case you selected.
Identify the functions and effects of criminal law in modern society reflected in the case you selected. Barr v. Lee July,14,2020 Summarize the case. Who were the main parties in the case? What were the charges? What defense was used? Refer to Ch. 6 of Essential Criminal Law for possible defenses. What was the decision? … Read more
Give 3 situations wherein a nurse could be indicted under criminal law.
Give 3 situations wherein a nurse could be indicted under criminal law. Answer the following questions: 1. What are the different types of law? 2. Give 3 situations wherein a nurse could be indicted under criminal law. 3. How or in what way a nurse can prove his or her innocence if indicted for malpractice … Read more
Criminal Law
Criminal Law Criminal Law Assignment Must be at least 150 word count each. Choose 2 of the following topics below: 1. Write about Void for Vagueness with examples 2. Write about Presumption of Innocence with examples 3. Write about Trial by Jury with examples This assignment is used as replies to my classmates Answer … Read more
Criminal law
Criminal law Discussion post criminal law You are the owner of a local dance club. Lately, there has been an increase in arguments and fights at the club. You observe that the fights are mostly between young men wearing red or black sports jerseys. Other customers have told you that the red or black jerseys … Read more
Criminal Conduct and Criminal Law
Criminal Conduct and Criminal Law Assignment 1: Criminal Conduct and Criminal Law According to the text, crime has been part of the human condition since people began to live in groups. Ancient documents indicate that conduct we now call murder, theft, or robbery was identified as criminal by civilizations that existed thousands of years ago. … Read more
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