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Consulting Assessment

Consulting Assessment

Select your current organization or an organization you are familiar with to complete the following assignment. You have been hired as an outside consultant to help an organization strengthen employee development.

Write a 700 (minimum) to 1,050 (maximum) word consulting assessment (in third person) that answers the following:

  • Identify the organization’s primary product or service.
  • What is the organization’s current focus? What are the organization’s overarching goals?
  • What are the organization’s training needs? How do they relate to the overarching goals?
  • What effect do the organization’s focus and goals have on prioritizing the type and amount of training?
  • How would you prioritize specific training needs based on the organization’s needs and current focus?
  • Why must you consider the organization’s size and overarching goals when prioritizing training? What differences would the size of an organization make?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please be sure to utilize the Grading Form for this assignment.

Please include all references used. Thanks.





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