Use the Riordan Manufacturing virtual organization to write a network design assessment.
Use the Riordan Manufacturing virtual organization to write a network design assessment. Use the Riordan Manufacturing virtual organization to write a network design assessment. Write a 3-page paper that includes the following: An assessment of the network design documents for usefulness and completeness Suggestions for additional information to be documented with examples Consideration of network bandwidth capacity considerations in the … Read more
Quantitative research is more important than qualitative research because it results in statistical information
Quantitative research is more important than qualitative research because it results in statistical information Descriptive research describes something. The six W’s of descriptive research are Who (who should we consider?), What (what information do we want to collect?), When (when should we collect the information?), Where (where should we collect the information?), Why (why are … Read more
Develop standards for ethical and moral conduct in the form of a Code of Ethics
Develop standards for ethical and moral conduct in the form of a Code of Ethics Develop standards for ethical and moral conduct in the form of a Code of Ethics. As part of this assignment, you will reflect upon your own ethical standards and consider from where your values and principles emerged and how they … Read more
Develop a three- to four-page analysis on the projected return on investment for your college education
Develop a three- to four-page analysis on the projected return on investment for your college education Develop a three- to four-page analysis, excluding the title page and reference page(s), on the projected return on investment for your college education and projected future employment. This analysis will consist of two parts. First, explain how you made … Read more
There is much discussion and debate regarding to the standards movement and its relationship
There is much discussion and debate regarding to the standards movement and its relationship There is much discussion and debate regarding to the standards movement and its relationship to developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood education. In a three- to four- page paper, address this topic with the following components: Provide a description of both … Read more
Family Involvement – the class is ECE 601: Introduction to Early Childhood Education
Family Involvement – the class is ECE601: Introduction to Early Childhood Education Family Involvement – the class is ECE601: Introduction to Early Childhood Education Using your text and at least one additional resource to support your thinking, identify two examples of family involvement that truly involve parents as equal partners. What are the benefits to … Read more
Select a specific political issue in which the Internet played a decisive role in forming your political opinion about a topic.
Select a specific political issue in which the Internet played a decisive role in forming your political opinion about a topic. Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper on consumer vulnerability to media persuasion, politics, and propaganda. Select a specific political issue in which the Internet played a decisive role in forming your political opinion about … Read more
An assistive technology service is defined as “any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection
An assistive technology service is defined as “any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection An assistive technology service is defined as “any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device” (Connecticut State Department of Education & The … Read more
Provide a description of the Assistive Technology Act and its impact on the field of education.
Provide a description of the Assistive Technology Act and its impact on the field of education. Visit Screenr and in one or two recordings limited to five minute each: Provide a description of the Assistive Technology Act and its impact on the field of education. Assess the current state of the Assistive Technology Act and … Read more
Compare WEP, WPA2, and TKIP
Compare WEP, WPA2, and TKIP Compare WEP, WPA2, and TKIP ( 800 words) Compare WEP, WPA2, and TKIP ……………………………..Answer preview………………………… Wired Equivalent Privacy and Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) are wireless security protocols that allow users and companies to protect data from interceptors or hackers. WPA2 is seen as a solution to the loopholes of WEP, … Read more
Create a diagram demonstrating how the different sciences intersect to provide a comprehensive look at learning
Create a diagram demonstrating how the different sciences intersect to provide a comprehensive look at learning Brain science is a complex study. There are many theories of how learning such as psychology, sociology, neuroscience, etc. Create a diagram demonstrating how the different sciences intersect to provide a comprehensive look at learning. Next, analyze diagram or … Read more
Briefly explain the iron triangle model of policy-making involving Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest group
Briefly explain the iron triangle model of policy-making involving Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups Levin-Waldman (2012, pp. 186-89) analyzes how “iron triangles” link Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups in self-serving relationships that influence policy in ways that are contrary to the public interest. In 1961, at the end of President Eisenhower’s second term, … Read more
Public Administration
Public Administration APA format Plagiarism free 3 references Due 1.00 pm In 3pages, discuss public interest, administrative responsibility and some of the recent ethical obligations confronting public administrators in their day to day decision making. Also examine the recent trend in privatizing government functions and discuss if it posses any dilemma for the attainment of … Read more
Compare each president’s’ political principles with his actions while in office—how well did their actions match their rhetoric
Compare each president’s’ political principles with his actions while in office—how well did their actions match their rhetoric The presidential election of 1912 was the most Progressive in US history, with the two frontrunners, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, both espousing Progressive philosophies. Although both Wilson and Roosevelt were Progressive, their attitudes toward Progressivism differed, … Read more
You are required to write a research paper on one of the specific approaches to family counseling
You are required to write a research paper on one of the specific approaches to family counseling You are required to write a research paper/formal literature review in APA format on one of the specific approaches to family counseling, (e.g., structural, psychoanalytic, Bowenian, experiential, etc.). You should have appropriate professional references, including books and journals … Read more
Identify potential issues and concerns related to the scenario for the USA Organization Diversity
Identify potential issues and concerns related to the scenario for the USA Organization Diversity Identify potential issues and concerns related to the scenario for the USA Organization Diversity Facilitation Project Locate a minimum of two secondary resources that address these issues and concerns. Create an annotated bibliography of your identified sources (minimum of 75 words … Read more
One of the options you have for extra credit is to do the ten history news articles
One of the options you have for extra credit is to do the ten history news articles One of the options you have for extra credit is to do the ten history news articles. The purpose of the optional history news articles assignment is to show you that articles related to your class material appear … Read more
What job do you plan to have in the healthcare sector
What job do you plan to have in the healthcare sector Professional Career Action Plan Grading Criteria In addition to the personal goals you set in Week Three, this week you will be setting professional career goals. These are goals that relate to your chosen career, what type of job you want, and what steps … Read more
Your supervisor has placed you in charge of hiring a new, full-time administrative assistant for your department
Your supervisor has placed you in charge of hiring a new, full-time administrative assistant for your department Your supervisor has placed you in charge of hiring a new, full-time administrative assistant for your department. Prepare an advertisement for that position that complies with federal law. This advertisement must be detailed. The minimum length of your … Read more
Fabulous Hotel hires
Explain why this contract is governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code Suppose that the Fabulous Hotel hires you as head chef under a two-year employment contract. After two years, another hotel wants to hire you. However, in the original employment contract you signed with the Fabulous Hotel, the following paragraph appears: “The … Read more
Write a well written business plan with Financial Data
write a well written business plan with Financial Data Write a well written business plan with Financial Data attached. I need it done by Friday and will pay an extra $30 bonus to whoever can finish it by then. The yellow highlighted areas have to be completed and attached financial data spreadsheets. I had this … Read more
Controlling misconduct involves two main tasks first preventing it from taking place and second reducing it once it happens
Controlling misconduct involves two main tasks first preventing it from taking place and second reducing it once it happens Case Study Officer Robert Barton Upon complete of the police academy cadets are required to take an oath. Officers swear to honor the relationships between fellow officers. First, they must understand the law before he or … Read more
Research and discuss at least two different types of incentive plans
Research and discuss at least two different types of incentive plans Research and discuss at least two different types of incentive plans discussed in the text. Highlight the possible advantages and disadvantages of each. Find at least two articles through the Ashford University Library that discusses incentive payment plans. Summarize your findings in a 3 page paper. … Read more
Locate an- to 1,050- article concerning conflict resolution and peacemaking
Locate an- to 1,050- article concerning conflict resolution and peacemaking Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking Paper Locate an- to 1,050- article concerning conflict resolution and peacemaking using the course readings and other resources. Prepare a 700 word paper in which you analyze your article. Describe elements of conflict resolution and peacemaking. Format your paper consistent with APA … Read more
Identify elements that appear to foster employee motivation and group cohesion among employees
identify elements that appear to foster employee motivation and group cohesion among employees Review the most current results of FORTUNE Magazine’s annual ranking of America’s “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Explore the website of at least three of the companies noted. Develop a two page paper that addresses the following: When reviewing the descriptions … Read more
How have lower courts interpreted the Branzburg v. Hayes decision
How have lower courts interpreted the Branzburg v. Hayes decision Prepare a 1400 word, three-part research paper. Address the specifics within your paper of each of the following questions below as they pertain to Branzburg v. Hayes, Confidentiality, and Shield Laws Branzburg v. Hayes (Ch. 9 of the text) What did the court decide in … Read more
Write your performance-based objective using the ABCD approach described
Write your performance-based objective using the ABCD approach described This link has a list of verbs. I like how the arrow gives you the idea that the verbs move from lower to higher level mastery. This link gives a little background on Bloom and has a video which gives an overview of the levels … Read more
What are the biggest challenges facing MNCs in today’s economy and why
what are the biggest challenges facing MNCs in today’s economy and why 100 words per question In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges facing MNCs in today’s economy and why? Allow for political,technological, and economic challenges. Why is it useful to have an 8-step negotiation model? What are the consequences if a step is … Read more
Complete a market segmentation of no more than 400 words for your buyers.
Complete a market segmentation of no more than 400 words for your buyers. The product is a Gillette Musical Razor. The paper needs to be original and no more than 400 words. Complete a market segmentation of no more than 400 words for your buyers. Be sure to include the following: Detail the target market … Read more
Discuss the differences between prisons and jails
Discuss the differences between prisons and jails Prisons and jails differ not only because of jurisdiction, but also by programming, and types of offenders housed. Please respond to all of the following prompts in the class discussion section of your online course: Discuss the differences between prisons and jails. Research one program from each and … Read more
Identify the ethical and legal issues of which Gerard needs to be aware
Identify the ethical and legal issues of which Gerard needs to be aware Read “Resolving Ethical Business Challenges” in Chapter 7 of your text, and then address the following points. Support your response with evidence from the text. Identify the ethical and legal issues of which Gerard needs to be aware. Discuss the advantages and … Read more
Demonstrate your understanding of the economic issues
demonstrate your understanding of the economic issues You will write an outline that organizes your paper and includes an introduction and a conclusion. This is a separate deliverable and is intended to assist students in writing outlines and organization. The papers should demonstrate your understanding of the economic issues and should follow a format similar … Read more
Discuss how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act has changed corporate culture
Discuss how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act has changed corporate culture Discuss how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act has changed corporate culture. A transcript of the podcast is also available through the URL. Expand on how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act impacts organizational culture and why federal oversight like this is needed. Additionally, Linda Thomsen mentions in the podcast that she … Read more
Why would cash transfers typically be preferred by recipients over in-kind transfers
Why would cash transfers typically be preferred by recipients over in-kind transfers Why would cash transfers typically be preferred by recipients over in-kind transfers? What are the pros and cons of each from a government perspective? This is a discussion question and an example of in-kind transfers and cash in the discussion would be helpful.APA … Read more
Discuss at least two of the biggest challenges facing human resource departments today
Discuss at least two of the biggest challenges facing human resource departments today Find at least two articles through the Library which discuss at least two of the biggest challenges facing human resource departments today. Summarize your findings in a 3-5 page paper. Be sure to properly cite your 3 resources using APA style. … Read more
What is knowledge management
What is knowledge management What is knowledge management (KM)? Explain the relationship of KM to intellectual capital. How does KM apply in your organization? What are the risks associated with KM? Explain your position. 0.5 PAGES please-do not copy and paste- ………………………..Answer preview………………………………….. Knowledge management is the process by which an organization generates value … Read more
Identify the problems relationships established by organized crime
Identify the problems relationships established by organized crime Write a 4pg paper, using definitions, principles, and theories from previous assignments, in which you establish a thesis regarding the control of organized crime. Identify the problems relationships established by organized crime. Describe the legal limitations associated with combating organized crime, including a critique of major federal … Read more
Discuss some of the corporate finance challenges faced by aflac
Discuss some of the corporate finance challenges faced by aflac Discuss some of the corporate finance challenges faced by aflac Write a 500- to 700-word summary of your discussion. ……………………….Answer preview…………………………. Aflac Incorporated is the biggest supplementary insurance provider in the U.S. It offers various types of insurance policies including, medical, cancer, life, accident, dental, … Read more
Describe the meaning of the legal doctrine, Respondeat Superior
Describe the meaning of the legal doctrine, Respondeat Superior Discuss Respondeat Superior including the following components: Introduction that includes the thesis statement (Content criteria #1) Describe the meaning of the legal doctrine, Respondeat Superior. (Content criteria #2) Provide at least two examples of cases where the doctrine was applied and analyze whether or not the … Read more
Research and find out one US Contemporary Corporation that enhances good corporate governance
Research and find out one US Contemporary Corporation that enhances good corporate governance Research and find out one US Contemporary Corporation that enhances good corporate governance …………………Answer preview………………….. A contemporary corporation comprises a company with traditional business form which is fused with current knowledge and processes. Such companies use corporate social responsibilities, virtual offices and strategic alliances … Read more
Discuss why the current healthcare system is in turmoil
Discuss why the current HEALTHCARE system is in turmoil Discuss why the current healthcare system is in turmoil. Identify two major problems of healthcare and analyze the impact of each of the chosen problems on consumers and the community. Describe the benefits and risks of national health insurance. Your paper must be 3 double-spaced pages … Read more
Develop an argument for or against concern that these children might be exhibiting a paraphilia.
Develop an argument for or against concern that these children might be exhibiting a paraphilia. A couple of things: Dressing in another gender’s clothing is NOT indicative of homosexuality, necessarily. This is the approach I would like you to take. Also all work must be original and not plagiarized in any way, of course. Paraphrase … Read more
Demonstrate your understanding of the economic issues
demonstrate your understanding of the economic issues write an outline that organizes your paper and includes an introduction and a conclusion. This is a separate deliverable and is intended to assist students in writing outlines and organization. The papers should demonstrate your understanding of the economic issues and should follow a format similar to: Introduction … Read more
Explain the events that led to each of these regulatory measures.
Explain the events that led to each of these regulatory measures Examine the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO), Sarbanes – Oxley Act (SOX), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). In a three page paper excluding title page and reference page(s) complete the following: Explain the events that led to each of these regulatory … Read more
Elaborate on any possible or proposed solutions to any problem identified by the issue
Elaborate on any possible or proposed solutions to any problem identified by the issue Choose an ethics issue found within the textbook. ( Cyber-crimes Issue chosen is Phishing Write a 3 page research paper (300 words per page)in which you: Present a summary of the issue. Express your own opinion or position on the issue. Elaborate … Read more
Identify the ethical and legal issues of which Albert needs to be aware
Identify the ethical and legal issues of which Albert needs to be aware Read “Resolving Ethical Business Challenges” in Chapter 4 of your text, and then address the following points. Support your response with evidence from the text. Identify the ethical and legal issues of which Albert needs to be aware. Discuss the advantages and … Read more
Take two or more things or ideas and compare their points of similarity or difference.
take two or more things or ideas and compare their points of similarity or difference. The idea behind a comparative essay is, quite simply, that you take two or more things or ideas and compare their points of similarity or difference. For this assignment in the Essay Series, create a comparative essay. In 1 pages, … Read more
Analyze how the process of establishing a stakeholder orientation impacts business ethics
Analyze how the process of establishing a stakeholder orientation impacts business ethics Analyze how the process of establishing a stakeholder orientation impacts business ethics and social responsibility by completing the following: Describing a stakeholder orientation. Illustrating the effect a stakeholder orientation has on business ethics and social responsibility. Discussing how a stakeholder orientation affects honesty … Read more
Two key content areas of an orientation program that may reduce turnover and increase morale
Two key content areas of an orientation program that may reduce turnover and increase morale You are the VP of human resources for a 1,000 employee meat packing company in the small town of Fort Hays, Kansas. You recently examined the turnover data for the plant operation (the people who kill, butcher, and process the … Read more
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the survey methods
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the survey methods Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the survey methods: self-administered interviewing, face-to-face interviewing, and telephone interviewing. What is necessary for the success of each of these three methods? How do these survey methods compare 200 words ………………………..Answer preview…………………………… Survey is a way of collecting information … Read more