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Determine the challenges involved in managing a restaurant operation that are specific to your state

Determine the challenges involved in managing a restaurant operation that are specific to your state Assignment 2 “Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry” Write a five to six (5) page paper in which you: Determine the challenges involved in managing a restaurant operation that are specific to your state, as well as how you … Read more

Discuss one (1) key driver of the below average performance

Discuss one (1) key driver of the below average performance Operating Margins”  Please respond to the following:Imagine you work for a hospital where the operating margins have been consistently below national norms for the past three (3) years. Discuss one (1) key driver of the below average performance. Suggest one (1) strategy to improve the … Read more

Write a detailed evaluation of CWU — why you decided to come here to CWoo

Write a detailed evaluation of CWU — why you decided to come here to CWoo Write a detailed evaluation of CWU — why you decided to come here to CWoo (either the university itself (campus, location, amenities) or your particular program (music, flight, football). Your evaluation should contain each and every characteristic of the ones … Read more

Discuss the steps you would take to develop ethics training and communication

Discuss the steps you would take to develop ethics training and communication Create a list of universal standards that can be applied to organizational ethics programs (even though the text says it has never been done). Determine and discuss how the standards you just created would help you develop an effective ethics program and code … Read more

You are a restaurant manager who is conducting a coaching discussion with one of your servers

You are a restaurant manager who is conducting a coaching discussion with one of your servers You are a restaurant manager who is conducting a coaching discussion with one of your servers. Focus of the coaching: the server has repeatedly failed to complete store-closing operations before leaving for the night. Case in point is that … Read more

What are some important domestic demographic changes currently affecting HRM

What are some important domestic demographic changes currently affecting HRM What are some important domestic demographic changes currently affecting HRM?How does HRM effectively respond to these changes?What must be done to improve responses?What may be done to address gaps caused by these changes ………………………….Answer preview………………………. The most significant domestic demographic changes affecting HRM are changes … Read more

Analyze political, social, ethical and legal differences and their impact on management decision making

Analyze political, social, ethical and legal differences and their impact on management decision making Antitrust laws were essentially created to stop businesses that got too large from blocking competition and abusing their power. Mergers and monopolies can limit the choices offered to consumers because smaller businesses are not usually able to compete. Although free and open competition ensures lower … Read more

IBM has utilized technology to not only improve the delivery of its HR programs

IBM has utilized technology to not only improve the delivery of its HR programs IBM has utilized technology to not only improve the delivery of its HR programs to its employees but also to significantly reduce administrative costs. In 1997, IBM created its Human Resource Service Center (HRSC), based in Raleigh, North Carolina. The HRSC … Read more

Australia leads APAC in digital marketing

Australia leads APAC in digital marketing Australia leads APAC in digital marketing CMO Council report benchmarks levels of adoption, traction and success of digital marketing in Australia, China, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and India Australia is poised to become a digital marketing regional centre of expertise according to new research from the CMO Council and Adobe. … Read more

Summarizing your company or division.(TARGET) This description must provide information about current HR conditions

summarizing your company or division.(TARGET) This description must provide information about current HR conditions One to two paragraphs summarizing your company or division.(TARGET) This description must provide information about current HR conditions and a forecast of what to do in the future. This description must align with the company’s mission and vision statements.   ……………………..Answer … Read more

Your bosses agree to, at most, a 10-minute data loss under any circumstances in your security test and evaluation plan

Your bosses agree to, at most, a 10-minute data loss under any circumstances in your security test and evaluation plan You support multiple servers in your facility. Your bosses agree to, at most, a 10-minute data loss under any circumstances in your security test and evaluation plan. They know the funding costs involved and accept … Read more

Write an essay in which you  three reasons why the use of a uniform design of this nature

write an essay in which you  three reasons why the use of a uniform design of this nature The sports apparel company under armour received criticism for the uniforms it designed for Northwestern University’s football team to wear during a football game on november 16 , The uniform , designed to help raise money for the … Read more

Are unfamiliar names an impediment to college and work success

Are unfamiliar names an impediment to college and work success In an short essay of 2-3 pages, write a literary summary on the “name” topic. Please use the examples from these two readers Just kinda summarize the ideas in these two  articles with the theme like “A name is not only a sign to represent … Read more

In “Friendship”, Elizabeth Telfer proposes that there are three necessary conditions for friendship

In “Friendship”, Elizabeth Telfer proposes that there are three necessary conditions for friendship In “Friendship“, Elizabeth Telfer proposes that there are three necessary conditions for friendship. PART 1: ! Present any one of Telfer’s proposed necessary conditions for friendship. PART 2: ! Present an objection to the proposed necessary condition that you just described, to … Read more

Why was the research conducted

Why was the research conducted I need three paragraphs for each article:  One for purpose/method, one for results/conclusions and third the analysis. Purpose of the article:  Why was the research conducted? The methods used in the research: include the participants, how was the research question(s) (hypothesis) tested or measured (e.g. survey, interview, formal testing…) The … Read more

What types of behavior is unethical when working in criminal justice or law enforcement

What types of behavior is unethical when working in criminal justice or law enforcement It is arguable that law enforcement officers live in glass houses. What does this mean? Please respond to all of the following prompts: Research the Code of Ethics for your local police Department or Sheriff’s Office. What type of behavioral conduct … Read more

Essay about the trip such flights, budget, transportation (rent a car from the airport)

Essay about the trip such flights, budget, transportation (rent a car from the airport) How to travel to Lebanon. Essay about the trip such flights, budget, transportation (rent a car from the airport), and places how much it costs the trip. how can you go to the popular sites over there with citing two or … Read more

Discuss projections and trends in the supply of registered nurses

Discuss projections and trends in the supply of registered nurses Discuss projections and trends in the supply of registered nurses. What do the projections and trends tell us about the nursing shortage? Week 3 – Assignment Health Care Practices For this assignment, analyze at least three health care practices that create conflicts of interest for … Read more

How might you use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in marketing cell phones in the U.S. versus Haiti

How might you use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in marketing cell phones in the U.S. versus Haiti Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at particular times. How does Maslow’s theory help marketers? How might you use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in marketing cell phones in the U.S. versus Haiti … Read more

Which types of cancer do college age students have a higher risk of developing

Which types of cancer do college age students have a higher risk of developing Which types of cancer do college age students have a higher risk of developing? What can be done to reduce their risks? Please respond to the following question in no less than two paragraphs. Which types of cancer do college age … Read more

Write a paper in which you respond to the idea of using PSA to address the problems with the U.S. criminal justice system

Write a paper in which you respond to the idea of using PSA to address the problems with the U.S. criminal justice system In this assignment, you will respond in writing to the idea of using what is described in Introduction to Criminal Justice as the “integrated model [of] a single Public Safety Agency (PSA) … Read more

Assess how the selection process can be shortened for the majority of large organizations

Assess how the selection process can be shortened for the majority of large organizations Assess how the selection process can be shortened for the majority of large organizations (500 plus employees). Support your assessment with two recommendations for large organizations to adopt. Determine the importance of reliability and validity in the context of a selection … Read more

Suggest at least two reasons why an education is one way out of the poverty trap.

Suggest at least two reasons why an education is one way out of the poverty trap Suggest at least two reasons why an education is one way out of the poverty trap. Next, suggest significant overall strategies—aside from building more schools—that those in leadership positions in developing countries may use in order to help their … Read more

How knowledge about that ecosystem’s structure and function can help or has helped to develop plans

How knowledge about that ecosystem’s structure and function can help or has helped to develop plans As a lake, preserve, or park—that is managed for native species. Write a 700- to 900-word paper explaining the following: The major structural and functional dynamics of your selected ecosystem How humans may have affected the cycling of matter … Read more

Discuss the negative and positive of those students who have disabilities

discuss the negative and positive of those students who have disabilities Observational Learning Amanda June Lewis Professor Heather Lippard Argosy University Online Abstract In this paper will discuss the negative and positive of those students who have disabilities. Should these students be mainstreamed into the regular classes or should they be kept united in their … Read more

Social Media

Prepare an annotated bibliography of social media best practices Use available resources to locate references to best practices of effective use of social media for the type of organization with which you are familiar.Prepare an annotated bibliography of social media best practices. The annotated bibliography should include seven scholarly sources, and eight from credible newspapers, trade … Read more

Evaluate the data collection methods used for both the quantitative and qualitative data

EVALUATE the data collection methods used for both the quantitative and qualitative data Access the 2008-2009 BIPAC Market Research Report at Fully critique the 2008-2009 Market Research Report for BIPAC. In your critique, determine and identify the research design that appeared to be used in the Market Research Report. Evaluate the data collection methods used … Read more

Describe the types of customers you would like to attract

Describe the types of customers you would like to attract For a business to be profitable, you must know how to attract customers and employees. Prepare a 1.5 page essay that addresses the following: For Rooms to go furniture.. Describe the types of customers you would like to attract. Why? Describe the types of employees … Read more

Two-page paper that identifies two companies that you believe are learning organizations

Two-page paper that identifies two companies that you believe are learning organizations Learning Organizations Research the databases in the Ashford University Library for two to three full-text scholarly sources that focus on learning organizations. Submit a two-page paper that identifies two companies that you believe are learning organizations. Provide supportive evidence of your choice. Do … Read more

Identify the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV)

Identify the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV) Review the article “Single-Subject Design” ( and the PowerPoint presentation “Single-Subject Designs.” (POWERPOINT IS BELOW IN FILES). Also view the video, ABAB Withdrawal Designs, on how to read the collected data ( Then, read the case study Level C, Case 2 from Measuring Behavior ( PLEASE … Read more

Choose an organizational management topic of interest to you

Choose an organizational management topic of interest to you Many theory groups impact management and managers, including scientific theory, behavioral theories, economic theories, organizational theories, role theories, transactional theories and game theories, just to name a few.  In Module 2 you learned about motivational theories associated with leadership.  Many of the theories that apply to … Read more

Describe how time between targets affects the probability of seeing the second target

describe how time between targets affects the probability of seeing the second target There are many stimuli in your environment of which you are not aware. You use attention to filter out unimportant stimuli and focus on relevant stimuli. However, there are circumstances under which you cannot perceive stimuli, regardless of how hard you “pay … Read more

Does Jerry have a duty to report any of the items that he has heard to an outside authority

Does Jerry have a duty to report any of the items that he has heard to an outside authority Resolving Ethical Business Challenges: Jerry Read “Resolving Ethical Business Challenges” in Chapter 9 of your text, and then address the following questions.  Support your response with evidence from the text. What areas of its ethics audit … Read more

How could enterprise-level network security planning and policies have helped to prevent this incident

How could enterprise-level network security planning and policies have helped to prevent this incident For this assignment, you will choose from the following options: Option 1: Security Breach Paper Option 2: Remote and Wireless Computing Security Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: Network Security located on the student website and select one … Read more

What are the implications of this strategy for diverse learners

What are the implications of this strategy for diverse learners According to the National Center for Education Statistics’ report on reading assessment, in 2011 Black students scored 22 points lower and Hispanic students scored 23 points lower than White students (NCES, 2011). This gap in academic performance, also known as the achievement gap, has resulted … Read more

Managers use decision models to assist with decision-making.  However, as you know, identifying the correct problem

Managers use decision models to assist with decision-making.  However, as you know, identifying the correct problem Managers use decision models to assist with decision-making.  However, as you know, identifying the correct problem is not always easy and is often the hardest part of the process.  Symptoms, opinions of others, and irrelevant data can all get … Read more

What are the responsibilities of a chief information security officer

What are the responsibilities of a chief information security officer Write a 200 word response that addresses the following: What are the responsibilities of a chief information security officer? Where and how does the person occupying this position fit into a large enterprise? Write a 200 response that addresses the following: Why is information security … Read more

Discuss how you could apply Juran’s Quality Trilogy

Discuss how you could apply Juran’s Quality Trilogy Discuss how you could apply Juran’s Quality Trilogy to Improve your personal approach to study and learning?   …………………Answer preview……………………. Juran’s Quality Trilogy can be essential in improving personal approach to study and learning owing to its focus on quality. It articulates that quality planning is essential … Read more

Select a company that you believe uses its employees to achieve a competitive advantage

Select a company that you believe uses its employees to achieve a competitive advantage Reply to discussion questions within the discussion using at least one paragraph for each question. There should be at least 8 to 12 sentences for each discussion. There are two discussions total. Please add references used to answer questions. (W8)Top of … Read more

Select three common models of managed health care organizations

Select three common models of managed health care organizations Select three common models of managed health care organizations as discussed in Chapter 23. Identify the pros and cons for each chosen model. Give suggestions to strengthen the weaknesses of the chosen models. These are the three I pick Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations,Exclusive Provider … Read more

Research several different HR risk management seminars.

research several different HR risk management seminars. Resources: Appendix A, the Internet, and helpful Web sites: Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from http://www.national seminars Research several different HR risk management seminars Fill out Appendix A: Summarize at least five different seminars (these may be presented by the same company). … Read more

What other companies can you think of that benefit from capitalizing on products

What other companies can you think of that benefit from capitalizing on products What other companies can you think of that benefit from capitalizing on products before the patent wears out and other companies start produce the same product and compete? How does their monetization strategy change after the patent expires? 50 words Q 2 … Read more

Gather financial information about the AT&T U Verse wireless receivers apparatus

gather financial information about the AT&T U Verse wireless receivers apparatus 700 words of AT&T U verse financials. Use all the public informations to gather financial information about the AT&T U Verse wireless receivers apparatus   ……………………Answer preview…………………………. AT&T Inc has been making tremendous financial improvement owing to the diversification of its operation. The company … Read more

Explain why caregivers are considered patient advocates

Explain why caregivers are considered patient advocates Discussion Question 1 Explain why caregivers are considered patient advocates. When and how does one become a patient advocate? Discuss the legal implications of being a patient advocate. What resources can patient advocates access to help them perform their roles/responsibilities? Identify a minimum of three resources. 300 WORDS … Read more

Should securitization be tied to corporate strategy or managed separately

Should securitization be tied to corporate strategy or managed separately Should securitization be tied to corporate strategy or managed separately? 50 words   ………………………..Answer preview………………………… Should securitization be tied to corporate strategy or managed separately? Answer Securitization should not be tied to corporate strategy but managed separately. This is because securitization is a way of … Read more

How can a safety committee be a convenient and effective forum for identifying Human Resource

How can a safety committee be a convenient and effective forum for identifying Human Resource Week 1, DQ 1 How can a safety committee be a convenient and effective forum for identifying  Human Resource (HR) risks and management needs and for establishing risk management goals? How does your current employer (or another organization of your … Read more

You are a brand manager of a snack chip. Your goal is to determine what effects different levels of online advertising

You are a brand manager of a snack chip. Your goal is to determine what effects different levels of online advertising You are a brand manager of a snack chip. Your goal is to determine what effects different levels of online advertising (see have on a consumer’s behavior. The VP of Brand Management will want … Read more

How might Riordan Manufacturing assess the business value delivered by an outsourcing relationship

How might Riordan Manufacturing assess the business value delivered by an outsourcing relationship Write a 2- to 3-page response to the following questions: How might Riordan Manufacturing assess the business value delivered by an outsourcing relationship? What are Huffman Trucking’s (virtual organization) needs and how could cloud computing and virtualization be used to help them … Read more

Did your search make use of the pop-out effect? How? If not, how might using the pop-out effect

Did your search make use of the pop-out effect? How? If not, how might using the pop-out effect You probably notice every day that some objects in the environment are easier to notice than other objects. For example, workers at sports stadiums often wear bright yellow shirts, which are very easy to see. While the … Read more

Develop a proposal for creating a sports or recreation program

Develop a proposal for creating a sports or recreation program Develop a proposal for creating a sports or recreation program. The program may be of whatever type you choose (public, private, community, high school, collegiate, youth, adult, semi-professional, professional, sports, fitness, competitive, recreational). Focus on the management aspects of the program and demonstrate the concepts learned throughout the course. Design … Read more

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