Browse essays

Fictional village

fictional village   Create a fictional village of 2,000 people. Five hundred people in the town are Christians, five hundred are Jews, five hundred are Moslems and five hundred are atheists. The town gets together for a general town meeting to debate the new town charter that gives direction for an overhaul of the legal … Read more

Creating a Social Program

Creating a Social Program   Complete your 6 page proposal paper. Refer to Appendix A for project requirements. Format your paper and citations consistent with APA guidelines. Include at least three outside sources. You may cite your textbook within the paper, but it does not count as one of your three sources. Post your paper … Read more

Torture and ethics

Torture and ethics   Write a 5 paper paper on the controversial topic of torture. Analyze whether torturing enemy combatants or high-value targets violates standards of morality in an American free society. Examine whether the act of torture violates basic human rights and if it could have global implications. Determine if torture may be justified … Read more

Financial aspects

financial aspects   Write a 700 word paper evaluating the financial aspects of the same agency or organization you used in previous assignments. How does the organization fund its programs? How reliable are the organization’s funding sources? Does the organization implement financial accountability measures to ensure that funds are being used properly? If so, what … Read more

Human Services

Human Services   The purpose of this paper is to develop your understanding of the complexities faced by many Americans who are members of both ethnic and disability groups. As health service providers, we must take the complexities of dual diversity into account when designing helping strategies. For this paper you will begin by creating … Read more

Contemporary Issue

Contemporary Issue   For Contemporary Issue 4, you will analyze research on drug decriminalization, and assess potential ramifications of such a policy in the U.S. Some countries, such as the Netherlands, have decriminalized many drugs considered illegal in the United States. Examine research that has been conducted on the Dutch experience with decriminalization. What are … Read more

Heroism and unity

heroism and unity I need help w these questions What do you think is the main idea of the essay? What is the thesis statement in this essay? Is the thesis easily identifiable? Where was the thesis located? Can you help the author fix the problem, if one exists? List all major topics in this … Read more

National statement

National statement Pick one national statement or claim made by a politician in the past week. Quote it, say who said it, when, under what circumstances, and give the APA citation for the remark. Research the claim using three credible academic or government sources. Cite your research using APA format. State what you have concluded … Read more

Cultural intelligence

Cultural intelligence   Describe the two cultures you selected and compare how each culture perceives intelligence. Explain three cultural factors that might influence how intelligence is perceived in each culture you selected. Explain how you might measure intelligence in each culture and why you selected this method.       ………………………….Answer preview…………………………. Let’s take an … Read more

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer I need a hand on a case study writing about sugar soft drinks lead to pancreatic cancer in 1200 words. Use Harvard formatting Include 6 sources/references Deadline:5 pm       ………………………….Answer preview………………………… Cancer world over is one the most disturbing diseases humanity has ever been face with. It is a type of disease … Read more

Disasters and crisis

Disasters and crisis Final Paper/Project (for both CGPS 790 and 792)  Students are to write a 4-5 page paper (plus cover page, abstract and reference page), including at least three peer-reviewed resources (i.e. journal articles, books). For students who are in the school counselor tract, research and critique how schools develop crisis preparedness plans. You … Read more

Multinational clothing manufacturers

Multinational clothing manufacturers Multinational clothing manufacturers and retailers, such as Adidas and Wal-Mart, have recently been under public and media scrutiny for their alleged unethical practices. Create a 4 page, double-spaced report on the ethical decision-making processes in these organizations. Include the impact of these processes on employee relationship. Use all of the keyword strings … Read more

School community

school community If a school community is predominately white, how will this affect the teaching-learning process. It only needs to be a paragraph or two ………………………….. Answer preview……………………………. If a school community happens to be predominantly white it is most likely to affect the teaching –learning process for the students and teachers of color face.  … Read more

Corn Plantation

Corn Plantation I need this rough draft research paper within 24 hours. The first draft of the research paper is due at the end of Week 6 to the Dropbox. It should be 3-4 pages and is worth 60 points. 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Double spaced. APA-style title page. All pages should be … Read more

Market structures

Market structures   In an eight-to ten-page paper, describe each market structure discussed in the course (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly), provide a real-life example of each market, and respond to the following for each market structure: Indicate how high entry barriers into a market will influence : Long-run profitability of the firms Cost … Read more

Company Analysis

Company Analysis – Part 3 – Target Market – Segmentation The paper assignment this week is the third piece of your Project Company (PEPSICO) Analysis and Strategic Plan of the company you chose at the beginning of the course. Major sections of the project are due at the end of Modules 1, 2, 3 and … Read more

Trends in healthcare

Trends in healthcare Future Trends in Health Care due May 10, 2013 1)Write a 1,400- to 1,750 paper discusses future trends in health care.2)Include how the Internet, or any other form of electronic communication, is used as an external delivery source in communicating patient-specific information.3)Address the impact of distance delivery on health care.4)Consider the use … Read more

American society

American society   What are some ways in which American society is stratified? What do you think the affect is on society when groups are stratified? 1 page, two references minimum, apa     ……………………..Answer preview…………………….. America’s stratification is according to income, education and occupation of individuals. We have upper, middle and lower classes (Massey … Read more

Media & Culture

Media & Culture KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS   Socratic method                                  FCC Cool hunting                                       Murdoch News Hole                                          Al-Jazeera Block booking                                     SMCR model Convergence                                       Selective exposure Syndication                                         Gatekeeper Center-periphery                                 Manuscript culture Entrepreneurial stage                          Oligopoly Seditious libel                                     Paramount Decision Vertical integration                             Bollywood Consolidation                                      Must-Carry Rules Knowledge gap                                   Gutenberg Telecommunications Act                    Adolph Ochs Commercial speech                             Google YouTube                                             Selective Retention … Read more

Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences   Throughout history, research in the physical sciences has often been limited by our abilities to safely observing and studying the very phenomenon in question. As we make technological progress, we have increasingly more tools to expand our observational capabilities. Write a three to five 3 page paper in which you: Part 1: … Read more

Differential Association Theory

Differential Association Theory In reference to the Differential Association Theory a. What basic things are learned in association with criminals? b. What are the possible policy implications arising? In reference to Anomie Theory a. Why does the United States seem to be in a permanent state of anomie? b. Why has research on anomie theory … Read more

Risk Planning and Management

Risk Planning and Management   Read the Risk Planning and Management for the Panama Canal Expansion Program article and provide a two page article critique. In your writing: Analyze key concepts, ideas, and perspectives that appear in the course readings.  How are these relevant to your work? How will they impact your work as a Project Manager? … Read more

Forensic Science

Forensic Science Watch video Welcome to Homicide You will apply the theories and methods learned throughout the course to create an eight- to ten-page-paper, which includes insight into the role of forensic science, the applications of forensic science for use within the evaluation/processing of major crime scenes, and its role in the criminal … Read more

Autistic as disability

  Autistic as disability I have two discussions that only require 400 to 500 words each. PLEASE BE ORIGINAL. I do check for plagiarisim as I have had bad experiences with previous tutors. These two discussion is due by tomorrow afternoon. First Discussion: Watch the video Families of Kids with Autism Talk about Their Successes. … Read more

Premarital and Marital counseling

Premarital and Marital counseling This forum is focused on your preparation for your first couples counseling session. In your original thread, be sure to include the following:   Your back-up plan (another couple that you have in mind in case this couple cancels; remember to protect your client’s confidentiality by creating a fictitious name).   … Read more

Business Stats-Correlation

Business Stats-Correlation Correlation An employment agency gathers the following data on its clients: Age Gender Educational level (no high school, high school, associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s) Years of past experience Whether or not they have been successfully placed in employment by the agency Additionally, the following data is gathered for those who have been successfully placed: … Read more

Introduction to Network Security

Introduction to Network Security Points: 125 Assignment – Create a Security Proposal Outcomes addressed in this Activity: Summarize security guidelines and best practices Examine the various security topics from a network administrator’s perspective Use the chapter in the textbook as a reference Identify operational and organizational procedures and techniques to protect, assess, and audit network … Read more

Nonverbal communication

NONVERBAL  communication Below is an example of a Discussion Board Thread. Although this example does not meet the requirements of the assignment in this class, it provides an excellent starting point for your discussion board thread. Discussion Board Thread Re: Social Loafing Definition: “Management: A Practical Introduction” defines social loafing as “the tendency of people … Read more

American culture

American culture     Tutoring needed with writing & sharing knowledge on a 750 word paper to help with answer some of the questions. Help me to understand What were the key developments in the evolution of mass media during last century ? How did each development play apart to influence American culture? Define the … Read more

Importance of infant teaching

importance of infant teaching I need a 1000 word Argument Paper in MLA format, agreeing that some toys are educational or otherwise beneficial with at least two works cited. No Internet sites. Title and Abstract are not needed.     ………………….Answer preview……………………… According to the journals presented it is considered the subject of the education … Read more

Components of public health and community

Components of public health and community What three components of public and community health differ from individual health? Describe each component and provide examples from your life? this question was not answered as appropriate. What are the components being described? Which examples have you used? Kindly revise asap. (use the attached document as it is … Read more

Analyze the fundamental questions that inform political theory and theorists

Analyze the fundamental questions that inform political theory and theorists Analyze the fundamental questions that inform political theory and theorists Political Theorists throughout history have developed their theories in response to some basic perennial questions about society and how human beings relate to each other within social systems (polities). Such basic questions as “What is … Read more

Oral History

Oral History Pick any person to interview who is at least 15 years older than you. Set up at least one interview, either in person or over the phone. If you have the technology to do so, I encourage you to record your interview so you can go back to it when writing your interpretive … Read more

Cultural transition

Cultural transition In the recent years Internet has become overtly commercialized. Agree or disagree? please include 1 journal and 2 academic references.   …………………………..Answer preview………………………………. The world has undergone expansive cultural transition with regard to the internet. Over the past several years the internet has experienced an ever increasing number of sites which are commercial. … Read more

Organization’s leaders

Organization’s leaders   An organization’s leaders have influence and power to shape the corporate culture and motivate ethical conduct. In a three page paper excluding title page and reference page(s), evaluate the influence and power that corporate leaders have in shaping the corporate culture. Include the following in your evaluation: Description of important ethical leaders … Read more

False Memories

False Memories The US legal system places a lot of importance on eyewitness memory. Most people would report that they can accurately convey what they saw in a particular situation. However, these ideas are not supported by research. Instead, research shows that memory is quite malleable and is affected by many factors. This research repeatedly … Read more

Human resource departments

human resource departments Find at least two articles which discuss at least two of the biggest challenges facing human resource departments today. Summarize your findings in a 3 page paper. Be sure to properly cite your sources using APA style. Listed below are the three articles I have chosen.  I’m only doing three pages.  Will … Read more


  Diversification Reply to discussion questions within the discussion using at least one paragraph for each question. There should be 200 words for each discussion. There are two discussions total. Please add references used to answer questions. (W6)Top of Form Total views: 31 (Your views: 1) E-Activity: Research information regarding the merger of United and … Read more

U.S president candidate

  U.S president candidate The long essay would be a traditional essay that typically five paragraphs long. The first paragraph should introduce the topic and state the student’s position / answer to the question. It should contain between three-five (3-5) complete sentences, including the thesis statement for the essay. The second, third, and fourth paragraphs … Read more

Starbucks’ Strategy

Starbucks’ Strategy Using the Internet and Strayer University databases, research Starbucks’ organizational culture and the key leadership and management traits used to execute the business strategy. Write a four page paper in which you: (No more than 5 pages, no abstract, short headings before response) Suggest the key elements of Starbucks’ organizational culture that contributes … Read more

New-Economy Strategies

New-Economy Strategies Identify an appropriate marketing strategy consistent with the product’s stage in its product life cycle and the market and competitive conditions it faces.  Identify the strategies key competitors are using, and develop a rationale for the strategy you have chosen. 450 words Chapter 11: Develop a new-economy strategy for your product or company.  Identify relevant … Read more

Universal health insurance

Universal health insurance In an essay of 600 words, discuss how you would adapt the strategies outlined in this lecture to your area of interest within health care in your research project? Be sure to address the following: Describe briefly the scope of evidence practice in both clinical and administrative aspects of health care. Discuss … Read more

ACME Global Consulting

ACME Global Consulting   You have been hired by ACME Global Consulting to procure requirements for a large database. In developing database management systems, E-R models are used to graphically depict complex relationships between entities.  In this assignment, you are to convince a set of clients of the benefits of using an E-R model in … Read more

The Medicaid program

The Medicaid program   Here is some info on that assignment for my learning team. Since it is a group effort, I only have to do a small section, so it doesn’t have to be lengthy. It just has to include at least one of these objectives. I have attached my topic in the word … Read more

Marketing strategy

marketing strategy Identify an appropriate marketing strategy consistent with the product’s stage in its product life cycle and the marketing and competitive conditions it faces.  Identify the strategies key competitors are using, and develop a rationale for the strategy you choose. Chapter 9: Identify an appropriate marketing strategy consistent with the product’s stage in its … Read more

What best practices and benchmarks can we learn from other countries that have universal health insurance

What best practices and benchmarks can we learn from other countries that have universal health insurance What best practices and benchmarks can we learn from other countries that have universal health insurance, and what lessons have we learned? DQ#2: Can the costs of setting standards of service and quality ever outweigh the benefits? If so, … Read more

Emotional Product Positioning

Emotional Product Positioning You stated, “Currently the marketing strategy creates a very somber mood for the hotel that would scare guests, especially the young population.” So is the target you would want to attract primarily the younger guests (vacationers)? Also, “Most people traveling to Paris for a vacation are in search of a memorable experience in … Read more

Public Policy Process

Public Policy Process   Policies are constantly being reviewed and considered to help improve the American health care system. Each one has the potential to affect each of us on a daily basis, so careful consideration must be given when policies are proposed. It is important to understand the process of how a topic eventually … Read more

Sutter Homes Wine

Sutter Homes Wine Chapter 6: Identify the primary target market for the good(s) or service(s) to be marketed using demographic, geographic, and/or behavioral descriptors.  Identify the key benefits the product(s) deliver(s) to the target market and the features that deliver these benefits.  Prepare a market-attractiveness/competitive-position matrix for the segment Chapter 7 Write a positioning statement … Read more

Responses for sloan

Responses for sloan Questions from the class: This week we have discussed the role of the President, the Congress , and state government in the implementation of healthcare policy.   What is the role of local governments?  How do local government’s impact health policy and do they have a role in the implementation of health … Read more

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