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Communicating Effectively

Communicating Effectively This is the primary book to use among other sources Info: Writing That Works: Communicating Effectively on the Job Walter E. Oliu, Charles T. Brusaw, Gerald J. Alred Twelfth edition ……………………………Answer preview…………………….. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which a victim occasionally stops breathing for a couple of minutes while in sleep. … Read more


  globalization What constituted globalization in the period between 1860 (roughly) and WW I? How did it differ from globalization between 1750 and 1860? In your response please take into consideration social, cultural, economic, political, ecological and international aspects of globalization. You should answer using material from our class (lectures notes, textbooks and primary sources). … Read more

Against Environmentalism

Against Environmentalism Below are directions and attachments Read “Alchemy Should Not be Taught, Neither Should Creationism & rdquo; and & ldquo;Against ‘Environmentalism ’” (both are attached) and write an analysis/response. Before reading the pieces, read through the following questions to consider while writing your response. Once you know your purpose for reading the pieces, print … Read more

Effects of urbanization of agriculture

Effects of urbanization of agriculture I need analysis done on two pictures with individual worksheets so 2 pictures, one page for the each individual analysis and one page for each individual worksheet so that will be four pages. Description Primary Source Analysis Instructions Find two (2) primary sources (any type for which there is an … Read more

Psycho Educational Assessment

Psycho Educational Assessment Many stereos produce sounds as high as 120 decibels. Prolonged or repeated exposure to sounds this loud can cause hearing loss. Using outside resources, list the decibel level of 5 other common sounds and relate these sounds to possible hearing loss and the risks involved with repeated exposure as well as any … Read more

Learning Resources

Learning Resources   The second article on the Week 3 Learning Resources page is “The Good Cop: Knowing the Difference Between Lawful or Effective Policing and Rightful Policing” (the link is below) The past couple of years have seen an erosion of trust between the police and the general public. This isn’t the first time … Read more

Your neighbor Susan Jones calls you seeking advice concerning long term

Your neighbor Susan Jones calls you seeking advice concerning long term Your neighbor Susan Jones calls you seeking advice concerning long term care decisions for her parents Stella and Anthony Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are both retired. Mr. Hill is much older than his wife and has considerable limitations in his ability to function. … Read more

Barcelona Principles

Barcelona Principles read about the Barcelona Principles. For this assignment write a 750-1000 word critique of these Principles for social media and public relations, reflecting on the following questions: How far do you agree or disagree with the Barcelona Principles? In your professional life, have you used these principles, albeit without knowing? Provide examples. What … Read more

Industry case study

industry case study From the given industry case study assigned (TBD). Pick three (3) TA concepts to Analyze and apply to this industry example and how they relate to the Case or if not present in this case study, then how could/should they relate to the case. Case Introduction, 15%Elements explained, A,B, & C (45%;15%each, … Read more

Becoming a 21st Century teacher

Becoming a 21st Century teacher Give your personal definition of 21st Century teaching in a 2-4 page (APA style) paper. Focus on topics such as the role of technology in teaching, what technologies do you plan to use as a teacher, and how will students use technology as learners. Don’t forget to give a variety … Read more

Emotional intelligence at work

  Emotional intelligence at work Marshmallow Experiment (Walter Mischel) Description Minimum of 5 references, no older than 5-6 years. APA Style Power Point + video clip Criticisms if any Cite source on all power point pages Must include an Annotated bibliography for all references. Found this website to be informative just incase you want to … Read more

Disease and illnesses

Disease and illnesses Description I posted an article about seniors and STDs including AIDS. Continue to do a little of your own research on this subject. What additional information were you able to find? What did you find interesting or surprising? What biases, myths, and stereotypes come up when discussing the relationship between aging and … Read more

Marshmallow experiment

  marshmallow experiment I just reviewed the file but why does it begin with criticisms? That should be the last file. The powerpoint is supposed to be on the marshmallow experiment, its origin (who developed it, its purpose and results) and criticism if there were any. Not the entire thing on criticism only. And the bibliography … Read more

Celebrity drug use

Celebrity drug use Write a 5 page paper on Celebrity drug use and the impact it has on our society The paper needs to have at least three citations ………………………..Answer preview…………………………….. Celebrity drug use is a well-known social problem in our society today. A celebrity is a famous person, a person. According to the cultural … Read more


Psychology Description One thing the book talks about is the shifting role and status for aging adult. In fact, one expert in the field, Dr. Linda Fried ( claims that one thing our society needs to be aware of and prepare for is the shift in an older person’s role. This change in role and … Read more

History of Minorities

History of Minorities Description 2 questions 250 words each Topic: African Americans "In what ways were slaves defined as property?" “To What degree have the civil rights movement initiatives in education been realized, or do they remain unmet?” Draw from specific data and give examples from the chapter to make your points. ……………………….Answer preview…………………………… Slavery … Read more

Dred Scott Vs Sanford

Dred Scott Vs Sanford Description Page 9-35 Instructions-1. Thesis/ Central Argument Highlight and include in this statement the words: “The author ’s argument is ….” supporting points given by the author for their thesis These should be stated facts, not opinions, claims or positions! Your Critique of the author ’s point Is the thesis convincing? … Read more

Unregulated online gambling

Unregulated online gambling Effects of unregulated online gambling it’s only 800 words and it needs to be a cause and effect essay with 2 sources on the effects of online gambling. …………………………..Answer preview………………….. Online gambling is a risky venture that involves putting anything of material value to a gamble with unsure results with the initial … Read more

Students Diversity

 Students Diversity   Topic:  Students Diversity In Cultural Differences It needs to have a bibliography it needs at least 3 legitimate sources needs to be in APA format …………………………Answer preview………………………. This topic relates to cultural diversity. This topic seeks to provide a full definition of culture, its awareness, diversity, importance, important element like cultural competence … Read more

Psychoanalytic theory

psychoanalytic theory Assignment 2: LASA 1 – Applying Theory to a Case Study Select one of the two available video clips to the right. The video will begin playing immediately. Pause the video and notice under the Clips heading to the right, either you will see the “Case Study of Carol (30:38) or Case Study … Read more

Social media

  Social media social media enhance or Hinder interpersonal relationships Description Explain the topic you are addressing and your position on it. Provide a preview of your paper and a statement of your thesis in your opening paragraph. [Approximately 100 words] For help crafting a good thesis statement, go to the Ashford Writing Center. Present … Read more

Reader’s response

Reader’s response Description read "A&P" by John Updike and " The lesson" by Toni Cade Bambara.Write a reader response for both stories. each response on a separate page, you may choose your own focus for the response, but don’t use outside sources be specific. grammar correction matter. you can find the poem online but don’t … Read more

Acquired behaviors and diversity

Acquired behaviors and diversity Define the term “culture”using terminology from the text and define what makes up that terminology. What ideologies, values and norms make us different from others globally and in some ways the same. Explain the relationship to the needs of a society versus the needs of the individual. Be specific and support … Read more


Economics Introduction, Thesis Statement and Annotated Biliography Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography Prepare: To help with the preparation of your annotated bibliography, review the following tutorials and resources from the Ashford Writing Center:Introduction Paragraph GuideThesis Statement tutorialAnnotated Bibliography tutorialSample Annotated BibliographyEvaluating SourcesReflect: Reflect back on the Week Two Discussion in which you shared with … Read more

Speech presentation

speech presentation   University of Phoenix Final week 5 presentation: Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes that you would use to train coworkers on effective presentation techniques. Create your presentation. Include the following: At least five strategies from this week’s readings on effectively developing and delivering a presentation to an … Read more

Stabilization and Reconstruction

Stabilization and Reconstruction Part 1 (Introduction) The First paragraph/ Please do not change it which is the paragraph is the definitions. Part 2/ The strategic (Similarities and differences) In the same paragraph, First write about Stabilization and reconstruction. Then, write about Counterinsurgency. Support with examples. Part 3/ Operational and tactical aspects (Similarities and differences) In … Read more

Riordan Manufacturing

Riordan Manufacturing   Present a completed strategic plan to the board of directors for Riordan Manufacturing in your own words. Outline your strategic plan for Riordan Virtual Organization in a 5- to 7-slide presentation using Microsoft® PowerPoint with speaker notes. Describe why Riordan needs a plan, and walk the audience through every step in the strategic management process. Include ethical … Read more

Strain Theory

  Strain Theory Please answer each question with 160 words each 12 font times roman, double spaced, citations and references ESSAY QUESTIONS: (Make sure you utilize examples everywhere you can.) Chapter 4 – Socialization discuss in detail, Cooley’s “Looking Glass Self”. discuss Mead’s “3 Stages in Taking the Role of Self”. explain in detail the … Read more

Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture I would like the assignment to be on Facebook The attachment has all the information but now change the company to Facebook please  2016042618321720160426182947assignment (1) ……………………………..Answer preview……………………….. Facebook is a company that offers social media services where people can interact and share views with others who have accounts in this company. There are … Read more

Public Policy Making Process

  Public Policy Making Process Leadership in the Public Policy Making Process Successful public policies often hinge upon the ability of talented leaders to develop, promote, and execute those public policies. In a two pages discuss which leadership traits you feel are the most important in the creation of sound public policies. Some questions to … Read more

The Public Needs to Know

The Public Needs to Know   Due Week 4 and worth 150 points Select one (1) of the scenarios on which to focus your informative paper. Research the topic and include credible sources to support claims. Identify your purpose clearly, incorporate audience needs, establish a desired tone, and organize information and / or claims effectively. … Read more

Human Rights

Human Rights Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, and Prostitution by Alice Leuchtag End Demand: Clip is on home page of website. Read the article and watch the clip above and respond to the questions below. You can also use other sources which offer information about trafficking to respond to the questions. Describe the economic situation … Read more

Individual’s Perspective

Individual’s Perspective How Does an Individual’s Perspective of, and Response to, a Crisis define him or her (1) (1)         …………………………….Answer preview………………………… Shaun Tan and John Marsden’s short fable “The Rabbits” is a piece of writing showcases the demeanor and mannerism of individuals. Tan tells a story which shows how a person … Read more

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income Is a Universal Basic Income the best answer to increased automation leading to job loss? Why or why not?  Would you want to telecommute? Why or why not? Would you pay double the price for say, a T-shirt, if it meant fair wages for foreign workers? What about a phone? Suggested reading: this wikipedia entry … Read more

Unionization campaigns

 unionization campaigns   Describe a do and don’t list for supervisors involved in unionization campaigns so that they will not commit any unfair labor practices. Good and bad faith bargaining might be easier to define than implement. Discuss different types of evidence that might be used to approve or disapprove (your choice) a charge of … Read more

Disaster management

Disaster management This course includes one paper that must be completed. In this paper students, will answer the prompt provided below. The paper must be typed with 1 ” margins, double spacing, a 12 point Times Roman font, and between three and five pages in length. The paper must use proper APA format and include … Read more

Lack of communication

lack of communication   The impact of a lack of communication and transportation infrastructure on the delivery of healthcare services       ……………………..Answer preview……………………… In the developing countries, there is the evidence of poor infrastructure especially the transport sector. It makes it difficult for the health service providers to provide their services to patients … Read more

Human Population

 Human Population Describe the historical pattern of growth of the worldwide human population since our origin. Include in this historic overview the changes that have happened technologically, medically, culturally and nutritionally to result in major population changes over time. Relate the growth of the human population to our ecological footprint and explain the idea of … Read more

Child’s growth and development

child’s growth and development Soo- Kyung (Sue) is a sixteen-year-old Korean student with a history of self-harm, drug abuse, and theft. She has to go to counseling at her school as a condition of her probation, and to have any chance of having her record expunged when she is an adult. Sue is usually shabbily … Read more

Arguing Against Guns

  Arguing Against Guns Please use APA FORMAT USE YOUR OWN WORDS. IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH, BE SURE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: What role will you play in this project: investigator or advocate? What is your rationale for this project? What do you hope to learn from the project, or what to do you want … Read more

Technology Problem

 Technology Problem Analysis & Design II Department of Engineering and Design Eastern Washington University Winter Quarter 2013 Homework 11 (50 Points) Assignment: Choose one of the following numbered problems from our textbook, “Strategies for Creative Problem Solving”: 9.1 (on page 211), 9.2 (on pages 211-212), or 9.5 (on page 213). For your selected problem choice, … Read more

First World War

  First World War When the First World War began, African-American leaders pressed the government to provide black men the right to go to combat to prove their devotion to their country. Hoping that their service would lay a stake on citizenship which the nation would have no choice but to honor, the “New Negro” … Read more

I want from you to write a literature review for my research paper

I want from you to write a literature review for my research paper I want from you to write a literature review for my research paper. I put two files that have information about example and information of a literature review. You will see a file which has introduction and references. As you know you must write … Read more

Family based violence

Family based violence Researched Exploratory Study Writing should be a 6 page (not including Works Cited page total 7 with the cite pages) all information in the attachment you must follow the information and it must contain at least 4 sources Researched Exploratory Study Writing Project       ……………………….Answer preview………………………. The society is a … Read more


Facebook What has happened to the Facebook since the IPO?       ……………………………..Answer preview………………………… Facebook is a broad and the most common social network that has many subscribers associated to it; it’s a social network that is young, it was established back in 2004 when a young, Harvard, psychology student called Mark Zuckerberg decided … Read more

Type of reproduction

type of reproduction   Since you didn’t label your questions to the answers you gave, I also realized that you skipped 2 questions below: 1) Compare and contrast the rationale in each article to identify commonalities and differences. 2) Identify whether some organizational changes appear to be more legitimate than others. Please answer these questions … Read more

Implication of hiring non-CPA

  Implication of hiring non-CPA   As a CPA you are in charge of a small tax advisory firm providing services to individual taxpayers, a substantial group of whom is high-wealth. Your firm is experiencing new pressures from the changing marketplace. New, non-CPA market competitors and competition from do-it-yourself tax-preparation software packages have had a … Read more

Social class position

social class position   Explain how an individual’s ascribed social class position at birth may affect what Max Weber called life chances, or the ability of an individual to attain the following “good things” that a society values: good health care longevity a good job security status wealth power prestige Describe how life chances may … Read more

The Lost Generation

The Lost Generation I need a 7 page/6 work citied creative writing English essay. Here is the details. Paper is needs to be completed ASAP but the lates 1/24/2013. Do a good job you will be my writer for life. Details: The paper should be written thru the eyes of a 50-55 year old person. … Read more

Job redesign

Job redesign Here is the scenario.You have been hired as full time consultant and six months after the merger described in Change and Culture Case Study I, the new administration initiated a significant reduction in force. A decision was made to redesign patient care delivery. The administration’s first job redesign recommendation was to cross train … Read more

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