Two reading selections from Voltaires Candide. The story begins by acknowledging the foolishness of the superstitious traditions
Two reading selections from Voltaire’s Candide. The story begins by acknowledging the foolishness of the superstitious traditions Two reading selections from Voltaire’s Candide. The story begins by acknowledging the foolishness of the superstitious traditions held by the people in the city of Lisbon but ends by confirming Voltaire’s belief that religion in general is equally … Read more
Analysis of a Personality
Analysis of a Personality For this assignment, you will have a chance to put into practice all you have been learning throughout this course. You will analyze the personality development of one of the theorists studied in this course from three different theoretical perspectives. Choose one of the theorists you have studied this term. Use … Read more
Electronic Health Records
Electronic Health Records What is an electronic medical record or electronic health record? How might it be effectively used in health care organizations? Are there any disadvantages to using electronic records? Provide rationale for your answers. …………Answer Preview…………An Electronic medical record (EMR) is a logical collection of electronic health information for an individual or population. … Read more
Ethical Challenges and Dilemmas
Ethical Challenges and Dilemmas This discussion has two options. Please choose either Option A or Option B to respond to and indicate within your post which you chose. For both options, please use the AHIMA Code of Ethics as a reference (see Fig. 6.2 in Chapter 6). Option A: Imagine you are a supervisor in … Read more
Biology Question 1.1. CADD stands for (Points : 1) Cancer And DNA Design Cancer Altered Disease Disaster Cancer AIDS Drugs and Disease Computer Aided Disease Diagnosis Computer Assisted Drug Design Question 2.2. Using genetic engineering techniques, the colon bacterium, E. coli, is used to manufacture large quantities of the hormone (Points : 1) testosterone insulin estrogen … Read more
Health Care Changes
Health Care Changes How has the healthcare delivery system changed? > For what types of patients and what types of care does each of the systems deliver? Would a patient have a need for more than one system? When (give examples and explain)? > What are the regulations related to the medical staff? What purpose … Read more
Shakespeare`s Sonnets
Shakespeare`s Sonnets My Topic is Shakespeare’s sonnets, and my research question is What ideas of love, friendship, and marriage are displayed in Shakespearean sonnets, such as 30, 55, and 116? I choose Shakespeare’s sonnets because I want to know more about him. 1. Write the thesis statement of your research paper. Be sure to write … Read more
Organizational Communication Analysis
Organizational Communication Analysis Organizational Communication Analysis Part II – Interpersonal and Intercultural Paper · Resource: The Virtual Organizations Portal Choose one of the three critical events listed below that would affect communication within your selected Virtual Organization (Kudler Fine foods): · Leadership change such as a … Read more
World War 11
World War 11 With all the changes that have occurred in the years since WWll. labor gained presence and power and lost presence and power. what were the contributing factors of unions making gains? What were the contributing factors to unions incurring losses? what effect did (gaining and losing) have on working people? Use very … Read more
Describe and discuss one genetically linked reproductive health issue
Describe and discuss one genetically linked reproductive health issue Describe and discuss one genetically linked reproductive health issue and blood disorder in terms of detection, prevention, and health promotion; What are some of the social, emotional, or cultural reactions of the health issues that you chose? What might be some of the differences in reactions … Read more
How can a director use the camera, lighting, and sound to evoke emotions in a film
How can a director use the camera, lighting, and sound to evoke emotions in a film How can a director use the camera, lighting, and sound to evoke emotions in a film? Think of a film wherein your emotions changed. Was this the result of the cinematography? If so, how? Explain your response. Imagine your … Read more
Technology Impact on Supply Chain
Technology Impact on Supply Chain Students will write an eight- to ten- page paper on one of the following topics: How a major organization (i.e. Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, etc) utilizes the supply chain/logistics management systems to get its products to markets. In what ways has technology impacted the way (s) the supply chain function has been … Read more
HIPAA Standards and Security Laws
HIPAA Standards and Security Laws In 250-300 words discuss how HIPAA standards and security laws impact the day-to-day functions of departments with health care information relative to computer systems, their networks, PHI (Patient Health Information), and the organization in general? Include whether you believe there is or is not a lack of HIPAA enforcement. Respond … Read more
Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure Use the following project scope statement to create a WBS for the Riordan Manufacturing Go Green campaign. Riordan Manufacturing is a plastics injection molding manufacturer pursuing a Go Green project with the intent of achieving International Organization for Standardizations 14001 certification. Riordan’s main objective is to improve the sustainability of its products and … Read more
Drafting a Client Intake Form
Drafting a Client Intake Form You work for a family law attorney, Attorney Connors. Attorney Connors has entered into a representation agreement with Ms. Barnum to represent her in her divorce. Attorney Connors has assigned you to conduct the initial fact-finding interview with Ms. Barnum. Please list all of the questions you intend to ask … Read more
Political Personalities
Political Personalities As we have seen this week when looking at both psychoanalytic and neo-psychoanalytic theory, much of our mental health and success in adulthood is related to the events and relationships of our childhood. Much like Freud, Alfred Adler believed that childhood events are pivotal for the adult. For Adler, his pivotal childhood events … Read more
Behaviour Change
Behaviour Change Altruism and Prosocial Behavior Examine the concept of altruism and altruistic behavior. What does it mean for someone to behave altruistically? What is gained from this action, and how does it differ from egoistic behavior? What are some reasons why people would want to help one another, without regard for personal gain or … Read more
Privacy and Security of Health Records
Privacy and Security of Health Records Review Chapter 10 of the textbook, and discuss in a two- page paper (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, the Administrative Safeguards, Physical Safeguards and Technical Safeguards of the EHR. Provide examples for each safeguard and explain … Read more
Power of Love and Relationships
Power of Love and Relationships 1. Describe the factors of attraction. What attracts us to one another? Why are we less likely to befriend someone from another culture than someone from a similar background with a similar physical aesthetic? Be sure to identify and describe all six factors in attraction. 2. Discuss the human need to build … Read more
Passing Strange
Passing Strange please write a 3 pages essay from one of the three topics down. Here are the topic suggestions for Passing Strange. There is a good bit of overlap in these topics, but hopefully one of them will be worded in a way that helps give you a jumpstart to write about the show. 1) Young … Read more
Diversity Competence
Diversity Competence As a potential professional in the field of psychology, you bring many of the concepts learned in this course into clearer focus. This assignment helps you clarify your own multicultural views as they relate to working as a counselor with multicultural clients. Address the following issues, and be sure to respond to you … Read more
“Customer-Oriented Strategic Plan”
“Customer-Oriented Strategic Plan” Discussion Question 1 “Customer-Oriented Strategic Plan” In the business world, successful businesses listen to their customers’ voices and strive to provide exceptional customers’ services. This practice may not be widely accepted in the healthcare industry. Articulate at least two customer-oriented elements when developing a strategic plan for a 250-bed community hospital Discussion … Read more
Public Policy Implementation
Public Policy Implementation Discussion 1: “Policy Implementation” Please respond to the following: · From the text, dispute or support Goggin’s belief that implementation of public policy is as much a matter of negotiation and communication as it is a matter of command. Justify your rationale. · From … Read more
Astrology and Astronomy
Astrology and Astronomy What are the major differences between astrology and astronomy? Why do you think astrology is so popular around the world, although many say it has failed all scientific tests of validity? Why do you think astronomy was important to people in ancient times? How do those beliefs affect people today? …………Answer … Read more
Informed Consent
Informed Consent What do you think informed consent is? Can you find a state that has an informed consent statute and describe what it requires? ………Answer Preview…….Informed is the legal procedure that seeks to ensure that a patient, research participant or client is aware of the costs and risks involved in the procedure or treatment. … Read more
Efficiency of Court order
Efficiency of Court order why would a court order be required in the case of substance abuse records rather than a subpoena duces tecum? ………….Answer Preview……..Subpoena ducas tecum is a type of court order that requires an individual to go to court carrying with him or her some named documents. Subpoena is actually required … Read more
Morality TOPIC I ( 150 Words) in one paragraph In our society, we encounter moral questions every day. Television shows and films commonly present characters who must face moral dilemmas and choose a course of action. You can see this in both dramas and sitcoms, like “Dexter,” “Law & Order,” “The Office,” “”Scandal,” and “Breaking … Read more
Work Place Discrimination
Work Place Discrimination 1.A large inner-city hospital has a significantly larger number of black employees than non-black employees working in staff, supervisory and lower-level management positions. However, the majority of upper-level management and executive positions are staffed by persons of other races/ethnicities. Does this present any problems from an EEOC perspective? 2.Regarding the scenario presented, … Read more
Riordan Virtual Organization and Environmental Scan
Riordan Virtual Organization and Environmental Scan I am looking for something like this use bottom references to gather information. Plagiarism less than 5%. Researching Riordan Corporation strategic direction, measures and directives for competitive advantage proposals brings up one key initiative. Environmental sustainability, better known as “Going Green”, was discussed in limited internal communication, but there … Read more
Divorce Decree
Divorce Decree Using the scenario below, you are to draft a divorce decree, which is the final order of the court and dissolves the marriage and any and all outstanding issues of the marriage; this would include property, debt, children custody, support (alimony and child support), and miscellaneous issues. In this scenario, Patty filed divorce. … Read more
Paraphraising Careful paraphrasing is generally thought to be a way to avoid unintentional plagiarizing of another’s work. It must also convey the key points one wants to share from the original source to the audience you are writing for. To best prepare for this assignment, complete this week’s required readings. You may also want to … Read more
Hague Convention on Child Abduction
Hague Convention on Child Abduction What is the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction? Sum up the information you found when you clicked on one of the countries. List the country you chose and explain whether it is a member of the Hague Convention and what its law is regarding child … Read more
Editorial Read the article titled ” Daughters Stand By Father After His Sentencing .” It tells the story of the Fagan parental kidnapping case that was headline news back in 1998 when Stephen Fagan was arrested for kidnapping his daughters and keeping them in Palm Beach, Florida, for almost 20 years. He had taken the children to … Read more
Leadership Complete all of your required text reading and review any relevant Instructor Guidance prior to completing this discussion. In your initial post: Identify one leader (e.g., drill sergeant, a teacher, a family member, a coach, a manager, or politician) who has influenced your life in a positive and personal way. Detail the … Read more
self efficacy and accounting job
self efficacy and accounting job Read the “Self-Efficacy and Work-Related Performance” (Judge, et al, 2007) and “Self-Efficacy” (Bandura, 1997) articles, view The happy secret to better work video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance prior to completing this discussion. Include the following in your post: Think about someone you know and with whose job and … Read more
Film Directors
film directors With the idea of visionary, or at the very least, great, what criteria would you say are necessary for a director to become more than the first name when the credits roll, but a household name? What attributes? Use a popular director as an example. Please use references for the director! ……..Answer … Read more
Health Care Systems
Health Care Systems Imagine you work for a hospital where the operating margins have been consistently below national norms for the past three (3) years. Discuss one (1) key driver of the below average performance. Suggest one (1) strategy to improve the future management of the driver that you’ve discussed. Suppose you work for a … Read more
Healthcare For this assignment, you will expand on the information about the five health care insurance plans by adding the following elements to each plan: Background information, eligibility, and covered services Secondary plans Participating providers and nonparticipating providers Payment for services Official notes or disclosures Billing notes After you have reviewed the insurance plans, respond … Read more
Health System’s decision to refuse to hire smokers
Health System’s decision to refuse to hire smokers Based on the discussion case in Chapter 16, examine two (2) pros and two (2) cons of the Pennsylvania Geisinger Health System’s decision to refuse to hire smokers. Give your opinion on whether or not the decision is sound, and provide a rationale to support your response. … Read more
Human Nature
Human Nature In 1984 the protagonist, Winston, attempts to “stay human” in the face of a dehumanizing, totalitarian regime. What, according to Orwell, does it mean to be human? How does the governing body in 1984 exploit certain tendencies, weaknesses and even strengths that human beings possess in order to, ironically, control and dehumanize humankind? … Read more
Theories of Executive functioning and metacognition
Theories of Executive functioning and metacognition In this week’s readings, you learned about theories of executive functioning and metacognition. Two important types of executive functioning are self-regulation and time management. In your initial post: Identify and describe a specific situation in which you effectively used self-regulation to guide your thinking and behavior. Analyze ways in … Read more
Anglo Dominance
Anglo Dominance Since the European settlement of North America, white, Anglo Americans have dominated the political landscape. Define, in your own words, Anglo dominance and describe how Anglos built and have maintained said dominant system. Assess whether or not Anglos will continue to dominate the political landscape in the United States and what changes are … Read more
Trait Theory
Trait TheorY Over the years, trait theory has been increasingly used by corporations in hiring and in career counseling. Research has shown that certain combinations of personality traits fit well with different career paths. Thus, personality trait tests for specific jobs can be predictive of both success and satisfaction. Understanding your own personality-trait combinations can … Read more
The Abolitionist Movement
The Abolitionist Movement We are familiar with the names of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass as being supporters and activists in the Abolitionist movement.Name some of the non-African American Abolitionists who supported and helped African Americans before the Civil War fight slavery. What were their arguments? What were their abolitionist lives like? needs … Read more
Learning preference tools
Learning preference tools Select and complete one of the learning preference tools provided below to determine your dominant learning preference or style. Address the following in your discussion posting: What was the result of the learning inventory that you took? Do you feel it is an accurate representation of how you prefer to learn? Describe … Read more
Desired path and cultural expectations
Desired path and cultural expectations Describe the culture of law enforcement and how effective and appropriate communication and presentation of oneself is essential to be accepted as a peer. Identify a minimum of three ways to build professional rapport with new colleagues. Writing Tips: The deliverable length of your homework assignment is 400 words, one … Read more
Human right violations Human right violations or violations of labor laws Safe work environments, fair wages, abuse of child labor, and unfair treatment of workers are all topics that are unfortunately in the news all too often. Previously, these were problems or issues that were present in the United States. Fortunately, the legal system and … Read more
The rule of law
The rule of law Applying the appropriate law, whether it is from cases, statutes,etc. can be very difficult. The idea is to take the facts of your client’s situation, and apply them to the law, in order to see what the potential outcome would be if your client filed a claim. Share with your classmates … Read more
Business Terms and concepts In the following examples, determine whether the term independent variable or dependent variable is appropriate. · Michael is interested in learning the effects of using celebrity endorsement on sales. What type of variable is a celebrity endorsement? · In an experiment, this variable is expected to be affected by the manipulation. … Read more
Business reputation
Business Reputation According to the text, businesses enhance their reputation and build trust when they address community needs in a positive way. State your opinion on whether you agree or disagree with this statement. Support your response with at least one (1) example of a well-known business that has improved its reputation through community outreach. … Read more